
O.o Temper

Seeing Chad stand up to her father, Rosalyn felt half empowered, half afraid. Standing back and watching, all she could do was hope this whole thing would end right here so this madness could cease. 

"Since you haven't done anything?" Jim's eyes narrow as his next words are barked in anger. "You're seducing my daughter! That's what you've done! And if I have to explain every stinkin' detail to you, then you're stupid right along with inappropriate and arrogant!" 

One more step closer and he was just inches away. "And I'll have you know, I've got all the right I need to throw you out anywhere I please, Mister. This is my home, not yours. You're the outsider, and I'm not in the habit of tossing around idle threats!" By now, his tone had just about reached its maximum yelling volume. "So you take your money, your good looks and whatever else you use to attract innocent girls and get out!" 

Too worked up to care about stopping himself, his body coils slightly, his shoulder rolling back, signaling the punch that was coming. And his fist shoots towards Chad's jaw. 

Taken completely off guard by Hope's quick kiss, Scott immediately tenses, sucking in his breath. But as fast as it had started, it was gone... and so was she. 

Standing in the open door, it's not until he shivers from the cool night air that he stops staring at the empty street. He hadn't even felt Domino pawing at his leg to come back inside. After closing the door and locking up, Scott aims straight for his bedroom, shutting off lights as he goes. He doesn't bother cleaning up from the coffee...he'd do it tomorrow. 

Getting to his bedroom, he doesn't even undress. Sitting cross-legged on his bed, he hugs a pillow and rocks slightly as several silent tears trickle down his face. He appreciates Domino's attempts to comfort him with her quiet nudges and licks to his hands. But he knew it wouldn't do any good. He knew the nightmares were coming. They always did, especially when his emotions were running this high. And he hated it. He hated hurting. He hated feeling at all. He wished he could just be numb. 

And many hours later as the sun rose in the sky, a call was made to TJY. Scott wouldn't be in to work today... 

It didn't matter if Cindy thought she'd run out of tears or not - they just seemed to keep coming. Overflowing with so many emotions, it was the only way she could handle it. Joined on the couch by Wes and hearing the short version of what had happened, her heart ached. He'd been hurt... hurt enough to have forgotten everything. But he'd hung on...for her. 

Not even knowing how to respond, Cindy shifts around and slips gently sideways onto Wes' lap. Curling into him, she buries her face against his warm chest as more tears flow. Having him close... hearing his heartbeat... feeling his arms around her... it had never felt so good. 

"I love you so much..." She sniffs and tries to regain some amount of control. "And I'm.... I'm sorry I gave up hope. I thought for sure you really were dead." 

Finally lifting her face, her tear-filled eyes stare into his. Oh, those eyes that went on for miles. Those eyes that she had fallen in love with so unexpectedly. Those eyes she was still madly in love with. Sliding her arms around his neck, she brings her lips to his once more, this time just letting them stay there as long as he'd let them, still afraid at any moment, he'd be gone again.

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