
Never again

Letting his eyes fall on his wife as she opened the door Wes could feel all the words he wanted to say catch in his throat. He's tried to think of so many things to say and now as his eyes rested on the wife he had missed, and thought maybe he would never see again those words just didn't seem important anymore.

His eyes searching her face he felt sad admits his happiness to see her. She looked so thin, or warn, tired and stressed. To think he'd been the cause of it send another pain through his heart. He's promised to never do anything to hurt Cindy and now he had even if it hadn't been his choose or intention. 

Hearing Cindy's comment Wes still says nothing but takes his hat off making the few scars on his face even more viable. Next he starts to unbutton his shirt Wes takes it off a plan tan shit still underneath. Placing both the shirt and hate over the railing Wes turns back to Cindy. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. Taking a few steps forward he reaches out and gently runs his finger along her cheek, and jawline his eyes just taking in how pretty she was, and how much he's missed. His own voice a soft whisper.

   "I thought I'd never see you again."

Not being able to help the overwhelming feel of emotions anymore Wes slips his arm over Cindy's shoulders as he sinks down to her knees. Bringing his other arm around her as well and pulling her close to him. Burying his face into her neck he can't help the hot tears that streamed from his eyes. He's missed her so much, seeing her, feeling her, having her love there. He's missed everything about Cindy right down to her silly quirks. Now holding her again Wes just sat there keeping her close to him, letting his sobs come and just holding her.

Hearing Scott's words Hope can feel a little bit of her heart chip off. She new how Scott felt and that he wasn't ready for a relationship and she was ok with that. But hearing him say the words just seemed to make everything a little more real and it still hurt a tiny bit.

   "I don't expect anything Scott but your friendship Scott. That's all I want and all I ask for, you are important and your friendship is important."

Looking at Scott and searching his face Hope could see all the emotion, pain, worry and it stung. She new he was having a hard time battling with everything, and it was so clear to see the emotion in his eyes. She only wished he wouldn't push her away. He needed friends and people who cared, this was not the time to push them away.

   "And if you think pushing me away will stopping me from waiting for you than your wrong. Weather I see you every day, or never again I will still wait for you."

Taking a few steps closer to Scott Hope lays a hand on his arm for a second as her eyes continue to just look deep into his. She was pashent and she would continue to be so even if it meant doing it for the rest of her life. It was something she was willing to do for love.

   "You're worth that to me Scott. Even if all we ever have again is friendship, I will cherish what we once had, and love our friendship even more."

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