
Truth Is

Seeing the look on Alec's face Misty couldn't help but notice that there was something wrong. She'd gotten to be able to read him pretty good. It was just part of living with someone for a while. It alwasy made her worry to when she saw him sad. It could be for many reason but the most important was because she cared about what happened to Alec.

Coming around to the side of the couch Misty sits down on the edge before laying her hand on his arm again and give it a little rub. He's been doing so good the last few weeks and seemed like he was starting to listen up again, now it was like he's slipped back into the depression once more.

   "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

Misty could guess that it had something to do with Ryan but she wasn't going to just butt into Alec's business if he didn't want her too. There was space, and bounds and she respected that. At least she would give Alec the option to talk if he wanted too.

Dinner had been nice and now sitting her with Tal at the lake in the sand was just as nice too. Staying quiet for a few long moments Ryan new what she wanted to talk to Tal about she just wasn't sure how or what he would think about it. Looking to Tal Ryan lets out a small sigh before looking out across the water again.

   "First I want to start by saying I am sorry if I have seemed a little distant. I've been...wrestling with myself.  The last few weeks Alec has been showing up at work, when I am at the store and other places. In doing so some feelings rose up inside of me, confused me, and blinded me."

Straightening her legs out Ryan leans back on her arms letting out a small sigh. She had to be honest with Tal and not lie. She didn't want to be like that and hide the truth from him. Honesty was important if they were going to make it through this and move forward.

   "Than today Alec came to work and told me he was sorry for upsetting me, and he would leave me alone. Before he left he...kissed me. I had no idea how I was feeling but I talked with another friend and when I was done it had all become clear to me."

Sitting up once more and turning a little to face Tal Ryan takes his hand in her own and holds it. Her eyes looking into his piercing through the dark and searching his own as her heart races. Never had she been so scared of losing someone in her life or being rejected. Tal was...different, she'd found something in him that she longed for. 

   "My path and choose Tal is you. I love you with all my heart, and I want to continue our journey together. I called Alec earlier today and I told him he needs to back off because My life is with you now. There is not a single thing about you I don't love, and you have done everything to keep me happy and safe. So if you can find it in your heart to forgive me for letting my feelings wonder...than I want to continue what we have built together."

Making his way across the yard and into the mess hall Chad new that was where Rosalyn would be seeing as he walked over with her the night before. A little lights were on in the barn showing some people were awake but not many. The lack of light in the dinning hall showed that no one had been there for coffee yet.

Slipping inside and looking in the kitchen seeing no one Chad quickly sets up the coffee pot and starts it for whoever might come in and for himself as well. Once done with that he wonders into the a joined room where Rosalyn was still sleeping. Just watching her for a long moment he can't help the smile that crossed his lips. She looked so peaceful.

Moving around the couch and sitting down on the edge Chad brushes a hair from Rosalyn's cheek and behind her ear. She looked as pretty sleeping as she did awake. Leaning down Chad places a soft kiss on her cheek before retreating just a little bit a smile spread on his lips.

   "Rise and shine my sleeping beauty!"

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