

Looking down again and running a hand over the side of the car Ryan just continues to think about Leo's words. He was right, she did need to make a desition and she needed to do it soon. In this whole thing someone was going to get hurt and she new that, it was best to do it now before it got harder, and before she went mad herself.

   "Thanks Leo, for always being my friend through everything. I really do appreciate it and you."

Pushing off the car and taking her cell phone from her pocket Ryan plays with it for a few moments. Walking out of the shop and around the corner she calls Tal's phone. They were more than likely going to hang out tonight like always at her place but she wanted to talk to him alone tonight. 

   "Hey Babe, sorry to bother you at work but...I was wondering if you'd like to do dinner and a walk on the beach tonight. I...have something I need to talk to you about."

Happy that Tal had agreed to go out tonight with her Ryan really hadn't expected anything else. She loved spending time with her, and being there where they were no matter what. That was one thing she liked about Tal.

Closing her eyes for a second Ryan collects her thoughts before opening them again and dialing Alec's number this time. Waiting Ryan wasn't sure if he'd even answer or not. He might not even be home. Continuing to wait Ryan lets out a small sigh...on one hand she wanted him to answer, and on the other she didnt but she had to talk to him.

   "Hey Alec it's Ryan. Listen...I wanted to tell you what I said before when you here is the truth. I do still love you...but...I can't let go of what you did to me. Not yet, not this soon."

Sucking in a deep breath Ryan could feel a hot tear trickle down her cheek. It hurt, it hurt very much to say what she was saying but Leo had stuck something inside of her and to give up Tal right now...it would be something that very possibly she might regret later down the road. It was something...she wasn't ready to chance. She loved Alec, but Tal...there was something about him that went her mind was not clouded over powered that feeling.

   "I want to be friends Alec. I'd like us to build a friendship again, but right now...please...if you do still love me will you take a few steps back and let me work through this with Tal? I need to find out if this is my path now, and than our friendship can come after."

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