

Mackenzie smiles broadly before looking back to Alec and giving his arm a poke. "This is when you're supposed to say yes." 

Alec finally breaks his gaze from Ryan and looks down at his niece with a smirk. "Since when did you start running things?" 

"I don't run things... I just... convince you?" 

Alec tries to withhold his laugh and he gives her a hard enough nudge that she has to stumble to catch her balance. Sighing, he looks back to Ryan, recovering from his embarrassment. "For her sake, I'll accept... thank you." Glancing around and realizing that the lines had grown even longer, he shrugs lamely. "And I guess this is our new spot in line." 

Though just a little awkward, Alec remains in line behind Ryan, keeping himself busy talking to Mackenzie about supper rather than trying to force conversation with Ryan. Once they were all finished shopping, Alec and Mackenzie followed her out to her car - which Mackenzie discovered was very cool. 

"Wow... this is a neat car. It looks like it could be a race car." 

This time, Alec laughs outright as he opens the passenger door. "Genius. It is a race car. As a matter of fact, you're looking at a mighty fine racer."

Mackenzie's eyes widen before climbing in. "Really?"

"Mm-hmm. Ryan here is one of the best drivers I know. Some people think she wouldn't be good just because she's a girl, but lemme tell you... she could whup any guy's butt any day. And.. she does."

Mackenzie giggles. "Did you ever race against her?"

"You kidding?" Alec scoffs, getting in and making sure Mackenzie gets settled in the narrow back seat. "I'd be too frightened. She's always been..." His voice trails off for a moment, returning more quietly. "...out of my league." Buckling in, he keeps his eyes on the road instead of on Ryan where they wanted to be. He was very grateful for the ride, but he knew she probably wouldn't be doing this, if it weren't for the young girl. 

The ride didn't take long though, and as they pull into the driveway, Alec scoots forward and opens the door. "Here, Mac... climb on out and take these bags to the porch, would you? I'm right behind ya." 

Mackenzie nods and crawls out behind him, taking the bags. As she walks away though, she turns and gives a little wave and smile to Ryan before scurrying up to the porch to wait at the door. 

Still in the car, Alec slides back again and finally turns to look at Ryan. "She's um... spending the evening over here. Misty and Carson split and she's not allowed to see him so... I guess I'm trying to fill some sort of spot for her. Not that I know how, but we get along okay." 

Swallowing hard, his eyes search Ryan's face. Being in her car... this close... it brought back many a memory. "Thanks again for the lift... I appreciate it."

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