

As Alec continues to sit in Ryan's car she just continues to watch him. She couldn't help but not take her eyes off him. She'd always thought he was good looking and now with a little bit of a calm edge to him it just seemed to add to his attraction.

   "I'd never want to go back and redo something. If I did than I wouldn't have learned the lessons I have. I wouldn't mind changing a few situations though with the knowledge that was gained from it."

Looking away for a second Ryan plays with a loose string thats was on her steering wheel cover. She missed Alec, he had been something special to her, but now...now things were different and they just couldn't be the way they were. Even if she did still care very deeply for Alec. 

As Alec comes close and gives her a kiss on the cheek Ryan can feel her heart start to race. Even when he'd backed away it was still racing. Bringing a hand to her cheek it was almost like she skin was on fire but in a good way. Watching Alec get out Ryan watches him as a tear forms in her eye. So many mixed emotions churned inside her. When did things get so hard? She loved Tal but...she loved Alec still too.

Pulling out of the driveway Ryan backs out of the parking spot and heads for home. This time though she would take the long way as a few tears stream from her eyes. She just wanted to be healed, not to hurt anymore. She didn't like this confusion.

Looking down at his lobster and steak Chad's lips watered. It looked and smelled so well he could hardly contain his own excitement. Taking his first bite it melted in his mouth as he looked across the table at Rosalyn. Hearing her words Chad puts his fork and knife down once again. Cocking his head as he looked at her his eyes were stirn but soft and his voice matched.

   "Rosalyn, this is the second time you've said this to me, and you need to stop. I'm not going anywhere or else I already would have left. Anyone can think what they want about me, and though it would hurt, I know what I want and I am not willing to let it walk away when I know she wants the same thing."

Reaching his hand across the table and letting it rest on Rosalyn's Chad gives a smile to her before closing her hand a little bit letting his just wrap around hers. He had strong feelings for her even over a short amount of time. Tomorrow was uncertain but he new how he felt now and he wouldn't give that up.

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