

Rick just waves Nate to follow, waiting until they were outside to explain. "Just got off the phone with Jaz DeMoy - you know, Carson's woman. Or... his whatever." Once Reese had found out yesterday from Jason that Misty knew Carson's story, he'd let others in on it too, so that the agents would be aware of what was happening. If extra help was needed, communication was key. Nobody liked speaking of others' personal lives, but with the Agency involved, privacy just wasn't an issue. 

"She said Carson was talking to her, got a bit upset, then just collapsed. He was unconscious, but she felt better calling us rather than the hospital."

Getting to Nate's car, he gets in on passenger side and waits until they're on their way out of the lot. "It's 200 Harrison, number 12."

The drive only took a few minutes, and arriving at the apartment complex, Rick uses Nate's help to quickly locate which one they were looking for. Knocking only once on the door, Jaz was right there, opening it for them, her face pale with worry. "He's in the kitchen." She points to the other room. It was a very small apartment, and Rick could see Carson from here.

Seeing Nate, Jaz eyes him cautiously but says nothing. She didn't like the Elite, but right now, she had no other choice. At least she knew that Carson had trusted these two, and had even been friends with Nate before this whole mess had started. 

Rick goes quickly to the kitchen and kneels by Carson, checking his vitals then giving him a shot and waiting a few more minutes as he keeps an eye on his pulse. 

Carson's head pounds and he blinks, squinting in the light. His whole body tenses and he tries to sit up, caught in a moment of fear from realizing he was on the floor. 

"Easy, easy," Rick soothes, firmly holding him down. "Don't sit up yet." 

Recognizing the voice, Carson relaxes just a little bit, but is still confused. "What are you doing here?" he mumbles. "What happened?" 

"You tell me. What's the last thing you remember?"

Carson stares up at the ceiling, finally figuring out that he was on the kitchen floor of the apartment. "Um..." His eyes drift to Jaz then... Nate? "I was... um..." He furrows his brow. "Talking to Jaz and... I got real dizzy and just... I guess I passed out." 

"Mm-hmm." Rick motions Nate over to help. "Come on - lets get you in a chair." 

Carson latches on to both men and stands up wobbly, his legs feeling like they were made out of jelly. Making it to a chair at the table, he sits down, breathing heavily from the effort. His face lacked color and his eyes were underlined with dark circles. Looking around at the three again, his sight is interrupted by Rick shining a light in his eyes, then following Rick's waving finger with his gaze. "What are you doing here?" The question was directed at Rick or Nate or both. 

Rick sighs. "Well I don't think it's a stroke... Jaz called me when you passed out. And I'm glad she did. How do you feel?"

"Um... my head hurts... kinda feel woozy. Real tired."

"Mm-hmm... Any pain in your chest?" 


"He kept rubbing his chest last night," Jaz interrupts.

Carson rolls his eyes. "It was just heartburn. It hurt on and off. I'm fine."

Rick purses his lips as he studies him. "Well I don't think you had a heart attack, but I think you should come back to TJY with us just in case. I want to check you over more thoroughly and make sure this isn't something more serious than exhaustion." 

Carson frowns. "No... no. I'm just tired, that's all."

"You don't faint from simply being tired," Rick counters sternly. 

"I just want to stay here. I'll go to bed for a while and I'll be fine." 

"You're coming with us."

Carson's stomach churns and his head starts to throb again. "Jaz, tell 'em I'm staying here."

Jaz eyes all three men before shaking her head. "I think he's right. I think you should go with them."

"But I-"

"Just go, Carson. Pull your head out of your butt for once and quit being so stubborn." 

Rick gives a mild grin at the way Jaz was ordering him around. "She's right. If you don't pull your head out yourself, we might have to do it surgically, and that's not very pretty."

Carson smirks, rolling his eyes. "Whatever." Standing up, his knees buckle and he grabs Nate to keep from falling. 

Rick quirks an eyebrow. "You're fine, huh?" He nods to Nate. "Let's get him out to the car, shall we?" He looks to Jaz. "You staying or going?" 

She shakes her head, wrapping her arms around herself. "I'll stay... I'm used to it. Just take care of him."

"That, I can do." Rick aims for the door, making sure Nate and Carson are behind him.

Pulling his baseball cap down lower and tucking his jacket around himself a little tighter, Alec trudges down the sidewalk in the cold rain, heading for the hardware store. He'd done what he could to the plumbing and electricity in the shed, but now there were several things he'd need to purchase. Misty was footing the bill for now - he was very grateful, but he was also keeping track so he could pay her back when he could.

Passing the small family diner, Alec's eyes glance inside the window. It was dry, warm, and he sure could go for a cup of coffee right about now. Stepping under the small overhang, he digs in his pocket to count change. He had just enough for some coffee. 

Just ready to go inside, he stops short as his gaze falls on one of the cars parked out front. It was the only one like it. Swallowing hard, he looks back to the restaurant door and hesitates. Something inside told him to just keep on walking and forget the coffee. But... something else longed to go inside if only to catch a glimpse of Ryan. 

After a few more seconds of debate, he finally aims for the door again. Stepping inside, he gives a quick glance around. He was pretty wet from his walk, and rainwater dripped from the brim of his cap. Then his eyes fall to the table off to the side. She had her back turned, but he knew it was her. And she was alone. Controlling the urge to go straight over to her, he heads for the counter instead and orders a coffee to go. He knew he shouldn't stay. He should go. She didn't want to see him. It was stupid. 

But once he had his coffee in hand and was turning to go, his eyes take on a mind of their own, and drift back to Ryan's table. After another inner battle, he gives in to his legs and heads in that direction. 

Stopping a few feet away from her table,he waits for her to look up and see him. Gazing down at her from under the brim of his hat, he wondered if she'd ever looked any more beautiful than she did right now. He knew she was just on break from work, but she could clean herself up all she wanted and it wouldn't matter - she always looked good. And... it appeared she was only partway through her meal.

Fiddling with the lid of the styrofoam coffee cup, he gives Ryan a little smile. "Hi..." Glancing to the chair across from her, he bites his lip. "Is... this seat taken?"

Though Jared sighs, he really did absorb Grace's words. He always did and always mulled over them later. And he always found that she made a lot of sense. It was often her words that helped him through these dark days. She might never know it... but it was true. 

Managing to get to his feet, it was exhausting and painful, but he withholds any complaints. Leaning heavily on Grace, he tries to find his balance before attempting a couple awkward steps. Stopping to rest for a moment, he judges the distance between them and the porch where his wheelchair was waiting. "Race ya," he jokes. 

It wasn't easy, but he does make it to the goal and is finally able to sit again, allowing Grace to push him back inside. Once there, Lydia is immediately there with towels to help them dry off, giving Jared a motherly order to go change into dry clothes, while also offering Grace a comfy bath robe while she dried her clothes for her too. 

Not too much later, Jared finds himself sitting on his bed in dry clothes, his hair still damp but at least he was warm again. With Grace still here though, his mind continues to drift back to their time outside. On one hand, he felt a little better, getting some of that stuff off his chest. And on the other hand he felt rather embarrassed. 

"Ya know..." He looks down, picking at a thread on the bedspread. "I always think about repaying you for all you do... then I never can quite figure out just how I'd do it."

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