

Continuing to listen to the commotion in the hall Misty closes her eyes. She wished there was a way to block everything out, a way to put ones self into another realm and make this go away. She did deep down still love Carson, but she wouldn't go back to him, she couldn't he'd done to much for her to even think about trusting him again. No...she was moving on and doing what she must to take life back. Far to long she'd lived like this.

As Carson starts to bang on the door Misty gives a jump as her eyes open and she focuses on Alec for a long moment. She'd never been scared of Carson before, or wished for him to just leave but this time it was different. Maybe it was the desperation she could hear in his voice that made her wonder what would he do to get to her to talk.

When Jason comes back into the room Misty turns to look at him before looking back to the cards. She new they might talk about what happened at some point and that was ok but right now she really didn't want to talk about it.  She just wanted to go back to what they were doing. Her blood pressure was already high enough.

   "Never give up, never surrender...We are totally going to make a come back on you Alec."

Picking up her cards again Misty looks down at them shifting a few things around and moving a few other things into position to go with certain other things. She was ready to kick some butt.

Sitting out on the porch and enjoying the fresh air Katie pulls out her phone feeling it vibrate. Seeing the text she can't help but smile. He always had perfect timing, and never missed. Or maybe it was simply Katie always loved hearing from him.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

I've really have missed you too. I'm
sitting out side right now and just 
enjoying the night air. It's not like at
the ranch but whats worse is your 
not here too.

Katie gives another smile as she stretches her legs out.

Yay, I am missing you something 
horribly. The nights are boring and
I kinda wish I was still at work. 
Can't wait to get your hugs and kiss
soon. When does Angel think you
can ride again?

Following Lydia to the back door Grace stands and just looks out it for a long moment. She was trying to deiced if she thought of Jared sitting out in the rain. It could mean any different things but each went around one. At least he had found the ambition to go out, and do it on his own. Looking back to Lydia she smiles and gives a pat to her arm.

   "When a bird has a broken wing we don't shelter them from at least trying when there strength returns because if we do they will never try again. Even if it was to hurt itself it needs to spread it's wings and try. He's gonna be ok Lydia, I promise."

Pushing open the back screen door Grace steps onto the porch before down to where Jared was. She was getting drenched but she didn't seem to care. The rain was warm, and it felt good, soon the air would turn cold, and a warm rain like this would be a little harder to find.

Squatting down next to Jared Grace smile just letting her own eyes winder the back yard taking in a few things she really hadn't noticed before. It was a nice yard and very spashes. She couldn't help but wonder who kept it up for her but that was a question for another time.

   "I like the rain, it feels nice and its a good reminder that never the dirtiest of objects can be washed away one way or another. Do you like how the raid feels too?"

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