
Can I?

As Ryan stands, so does Alec. Searching her face, he sees some discomfort, and suddenly realizes that it was probably his fault. He'd just wanted to see her so much that he hadn't thought about it making her uncomfortable. Feeling badly, he bites his lip. "Yeah... yeah, I couldn't very well see you without saying hi. Thanks for letting me sit and talk." 

Pausing, he clears his throat. "I, um... I hope I didn't ruin your lunch or anything. I'm... I'm sorry for... um..." He gives her a rueful grin and shrugs, knowing that any more apologies were pointless. Nothing he said would change anything. "Take care of yourself, Ry... I guess I'll see you around." 

Jared's grin widens a little, humor dancing in his eyes as his shoulder nudges Grace's. "Mmm... yeah, if it tastes good, that's just a bonus..." 

Having spoken without thinking first, he looks quickly back to the photo album and clears his throat. "So, um, yeah... Florida..." He turns a page. "And this was my ninth birthday." He points to one of the pictures. "The hats were not my idea, if I remember correctly. Hence, my scowl."

Daring a sidelong glance at Grace, his sight drifts slowly to her lips then back up to her eyes. "I... never did like party hats."

Fiddling with the album page, he looks back at it again, staring at the faces that seemed so familiar yet so far away in time. He had forgotten what his father looked like. Or the fun times he'd had as a child.

Carson slowly opens his eyes, feeling as though he were in some kind of strange, thick fog. It took him several minutes just to awaken completely, and then several more to figure out just where he was. Looking at the clock on the wall, he figures out that he had been asleep for at least five hours. It was mid afternoon already and he didn't remember waking up at all since falling asleep to whatever it was Rick had given him. He did feel... a little better. Still a bit woozy and his headache was still there, but not quite as bad. He did feel a bit rested now though, so that was an improvement. 

Sitting up, he swings his legs over the side of the bed and yawns. His body begs him to lie back down and sleep some more - it had been deprived of too much lately. But he didn't want to sleep any more. He just wanted to get up and stretch and see if he could leave. 

Looking down at his arm, he sees he's still hooked up to the IV, which he notes is almost empty. First or second bag, he didn't know. Removing the tape and pulling out the IV himself, he stands, taking a second or two to make sure he has enough stability to walk. His legs were rather stiff and shaky, but he didn't fear falling over like he had earlier. Now... where was Rick? 

Trudging out to the hall, he squints in the bright lights, still sleepy. He didn't see anybody - either it was a really busy day and everybody was in their offices or out on the job, or it was a quiet day. Yawning again, he runs a hand through his matted hair and aims for the infirmary. Maybe if he could convince Rick he was okay now, he could go home instead of having to stay here for several days. 

Reaching the open door, he glances around, not finding Rick, but seeing Misty instead. In his own drowsy state, he hadn't even thought of that. And catching sight of her now made his heart lurch. Her rejection came flooding back to him, as does the pain.

Leaning on the doorframe, he waits until she sees him before speaking quietly. "Can I come in?" 

Hearing someone at the door, Jaz bristles. By now, she'd moved to the couch where half a tissue box was gone already. Who was here now? Rick had already called about Carson's condition. Nobody should be here. Was it the Agency? 

Gathering up her wits, she rises and comes cautiously to the door, picking up her handgun on the way. Now was not the time for risks. Stepping quietly, she comes close enough to peer through the peephole. Nate? Why was he here again? Was something wrong? At least she felt a bit of relief now, even if she was confused. 

Setting the gun aside, she unlocks the door and opens it. Her eyes were red, her hair a bit messy and she was visibly stressed. "What... are you doing here? Is everything with Carson okay?" 

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