

Jared's eyebrows rise slightly, as do the very corners of his mouth. He'd cleaned himself up, but he didn't think it was deserving of a "holy moly." 

"You're not looking too bad yourself," he muses. He thinks for a moment then shakes his head. "I guess I'm ready whenever you are." He looks down to check himself over to make sure. He was dressed, he had his tennis shoes on... there wasn't anything else he needed. Just gumption. And he only had a little bit of that, but it would have to do. 

He tucks his hands in his lap. "I'll let you drive though... I keep making marks on the walls from banging into things." 

"...No, I need you and Con to take that Parker case, then..." Reese's voice trails off as he looks up from his desk to see Katie enter his office. The air was thick with tension - the morning had already started off poorly. He forces a smile though. "Well hi, Katie. Welcome back." 

Standing to the side, Jason can feel his whole body tense. He tries not to let it show on his face though, remaining where he was. Giving Katie a once-over, he notes that though she seemed nervous, she looked good - better than when she'd left. He swallows the bitter taste in his mouth and purses his lips into something maybe close to a polite smile. "Katie." He acknowledges her presence with a slight nod. 

After an awkward pause, Reese clears his throat. "No need to be sorry for the interruption. You're fine. I would suggest you go talk with Sapphire to start out - she's been taking on a lot of your work lately and she can bring you up to speed. Once you feel you've got a handle on what's been going on and what's happening now, come see me again and I'll give you some new assignments."

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