

Even though Chad's statement was broken off, Clint smirks. "Ha! Ain't no "looks like" about it. She is a wildcat."

Hearing them both, Rosalyn looks up again to first stick her tongue out at Clint, then swing a defiant glare mixed with humor in Chad's direction. "Watch it. Or your next piece of chicken might not taste this good." 

Jeff grins as he takes a careful bite of his salad. "I suppose I could see about doing that." Church groups, big or small, didn't bother him a bit - he was a little surprised his daughter would be nervous though, and wondered if that was her only reason. She'd been going to that church for quite a while now, as far as he knew.

Watching April, his eyes study her. "I've been meaning to get myself over to Nevada for a while now, it just... hasn't happened. Bein' away from Katie though... that's one of the hardest things for me." 

He forces a small smile. "I'll see what I can do about that small group though."

It was a few minutes later when Rosalyn chances another look down at the other table, noticing that several people were just about out of water. Catching her mom's eye, she nods. She'd take care of it. 

Getting up, she goes to the kitchen first, the returns with a pitcher of ice water. Coming over to the table, she nods at the newcomers, keeping herself from a further smirk at Chad. "Can I get anybody anymore water?" she offers.

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