

Hearing Alec's comment Ryan looks up at him and blinks. It would seem as though everything she just had told him meant nothing and everything was not heard. Letting his eyes lock with his for a second Ryan can feel her heart beat even faster than it was as she smells the sweet smile of Alec's soap, or it could have been his shampoo.

   "I still don't know what your talking about. I did as you asked and looked over your bike and there is nothing wrong."

Feeling his hand on her face Ryan's instinct was to lean her head into it but she did her best not to do so. She shouldn't, she couldn't, no She was with Tal she reminds herself once more and she was happy, she was safe with him and things were good.

As Alec takes a step back Ryan was glad in a way. She didn't know how much longer she could stand like that with Alec. Him stepping away had been the breaker and Ryan was happy, she never wanted to cheat on Tal. He was to good of a guy for that, and she cared for him way to much.

   "Umm...Your welcome and don't worry about paying me back, it was just a simple evaluation."

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