

Following Ryan to the back room, Tal scans the rather messy area before flipping on the light. Glancing to the one drawer, he stifles a little laugh. "Uh, babe... skill saw... not hand saw. I doubt what Eli's looking for would fit in a drawer." 

Spotting a cord under a pile of old towels that were apparently stored there for rags, he points. "Now that... is a clue." Moving some of the towels, he nods. "Eureka!" Picking up the heavy tool, he grins. "Although we should give him a hand saw instead - make him spend ten times as long sawing through the door so you and I can grab the couch." 

Slipping an arm around Ryan's waist, he pulls her close and gives her another kiss. "On second thought, he probably wouldn't be too happy." 

"You guys coming or what?"

Tal rolls his eyes. "Yes, dear," he hollers back to Eli. Walking with Ryan back to Eli, he presents the saw. "This what you're looking for?" 
"It is. Thank you. Now..." Eli stands from where he'd been kneeling, studying the door. "We need to get this thing up off its hinges so we can cut it..." 

Once started, it really didn't take all that long to finish the project. It didn't turn out quite as planned, but close enough and at least Zidan could get in and out easily on his own, and that was the whole point. Though finished in relatively good time, it was still late for supper and stomachs were hungry. Pizza was in order, topping off the evening with a tasty meal in front of the television. After that, it was late enough that Tal needed to get home...

...Sitting in the quiet living room, Eli taps his empty beer bottle absentmindedly on his knee as he leaned back in his chair. It was his turn to clean up the plates and pizza box... and he would... but first, there were just a few things he wanted to know. 

"So..." It was the first chance he had with Ryan alone, and the topic had not come up at all during the evening - so far from it, that neither man had dared ask her. But now Eli just wanted to make sure everything was alright. 

"That phone call... when you were at the store..." He rocks a little in his chair. "You said... Alec?" 

"Hmm?" Hunter looks quickly to Katie, bringing her back into focus. "Oh..." He forces a small grin. "My thoughts aren't worth a penny." 

He takes another swig of coffee, wishing that he wouldn't be so transparent to Katie. She could read him like an open book. Staring down into the almost-black liquid, he runs his thumb along the rim. He'd like to go for a walk is what he'd like to do, but unless he wanted to swing around on crutches, he was stuck finding somewhere just to sit. Maybe that big old tree would be a good spot for a while. 

"So what are you plans for the day?" Changing the subject was as good idea as anything.

Seeing Angelica back into the wall, Reese laughs and quickens his pace to catch her before she could slip around the corner. Sliding both arms around her waist, he walks behind her, giving her neck a kiss. 

"How was I supposed to know that a round cake is cut in silly triangles instead of squares?" he defends. "I mean, who cares? It all tastes the same..." 

Arriving at the fridge, he lets Angelica go while he retrieves a knife from the drawer. "But I'll let you do it anyway." He hands her the knife, a teasing glint still in his eye.

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