

Alec wanders down the main aisle, not paying a bit of attention to where he was walking, as his eyes remain on the hanging signs, still trying to figure out where he needed to go. Being run into startles him and he backs up a step, feeling he should be the one to apologize. All of a sudden though, words evade him. Blinking in shock, he stares at Ryan, his pulse beginning to race. He'd known she was here, but... now actually seeing her... this close...He almost flinches, afraid she might want to throw a fist instead of talk. 

But hearing her voice... her sweet... mellow voice.. there was no malice, and Alec relaxes just a little. She'd gotten his message and... and she... she forgave him? The ache in his heart returns and he feels as though his chest might cave in right there. Forgiveness. Unable to stop it, his eyes glisten as he swallows hard, desperately trying to keep his emotions under control. No more was there a cocky air. No more a proud man. Instead, his shoulders were bent, it seemed, under the weight of the world. But a small piece of that weight had suddenly been lifted. Ryan... she... forgave him. 

Still trying to think of something to say, Ryan speaks again, leaving him without the chance. She seemed... nervous. And that in itself made Alec feel worse. Knowing she was nervous around him of all people. They'd been so close. And now to be standing here like two strangers... how it made the pain all the more worse.

As her hand touches his arm, it felt like a candle being lit as the warmth and light slowly spread. Glancing down at her hand then back up at her eyes, Alec's face wore the look of a beaten man, silently begging for release from this torture. His hand almost hurts as he keeps from reaching up and taking Ryan's own hand. Caressing her face. Feeling her soft skin. 

And then... she's gone. Staring after her, Alec remains in numb silence, still having not spoken one word. Was that it? Was that all this chance meeting was meant to be? To let him know he was forgiven? That should be enough. He should be satisfied with that, able to move on. But somehow, all it did was increase the pain of losing her.

"Can I help you?" 

Alec whips his head around to see an employee staring at him with question. "Um... I..." He shakes his head, feeling stupid. "No... thanks." 

"Okay, well if you need anything, just holler." 

"Yeah, alright." Alec waits until he's alone again before looking back to the aisle where Ryan had gone. Yes, he should be satisfied and move on. He should leave things be as they were and accept that this is how it ended. Things were right between them again. The hate was gone. He needed to leave her be now. 

And yet...

Alec finds his feet moving away from where he really needed to go. Glancing down the next couple aisle, it only takes a few seconds to find Ryan again. Stopping and watching her, his calmed pulse quickens once more. What was he thinking? Why couldn't he leave well enough alone? Because for once... his heart was doing the leading instead of his head.

Coming up to her slowly, he bites his lip. Looking down into her eyes, they were as endless as he remembered. "You didn't give me time to say thank you," he mentions quietly. 

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