

Glancing over his shoulder, Hunter grins. "Yeah... I still hear it calling." Part of him would just as soon spend some more time alone, but part of him enjoyed Katie's company too much to do that. And besides all that... he knew that Katie had her reasons for being here at the ranch in the first place - it wasn't about him. He thought she seemed happier lately, but he hadn't talked to her much more about how she felt, how that whole emotional thing was doing, or if she was getting over Jason. Those were things Hunter just didn't bring up, not wanting to overstep his bounds. In the end though... whether he needed extra help now or not, Katie's needs were still very important and the last thing he wanted to do was neglect her.

It didn't take too much longer before Hunter was slowly making his way beside Katie down the lane to the back pasture. It wasn't particularly easy with crutches, especially on some of the rougher ground, but he didn't give up. Once to the tree, he eases down carefully, setting aside his crutches. 

Letting out a long sigh, he lies down on his back, his eyes looking up into the tree branches. "Okay, I'm tired." He was glad it would be a while before they had to make the trek back again.

"Of course..." He cranes his neck to look over and up at Katie. He was weary, he was troubled and confused, and he was frustrated. But at the moment, it would be nice to forget about all that for a while. "...I'm not too tired..." He grins, letting the implication hang in the air.

"Oh, Chuck..." Susanne brings one of his hands up to kiss it before leaning her face into the soft warmth. "I still can't decide if all those nice things you always say are true or not, just because it's so hard to believe anybody could like me that much." One of the things she appreciated about him so much was that even though she continued to be unsure about him, he never got upset with her, allowing her time to think everything through and come to her own conclusions. If he'd had any bad intentions, he would have done it already though, right? And if he was after something else, by now he would have given up, wouldn't he? So did she really need to continue questioning his sincerity? 

Shifting a little to the side, she turns her head so she can see his face. There were still traces of tears on her cheeks, but she smiles. "One of these days, you're just gonna haul off and whack me one, I just know it." 

Her eyes dance with humor. "And by the way... forty-three is far from old, so you don't have an old brain. Forgetful maybe, but not old." Her smile widens. "And trust me... anybody as hott as you cannot yet be over the hill."

"...then yesterday I got a visit from my uncle. I didn't remember him, but I guess I didn't see him much before anyway. Kinda seemed familiar though, ya know?" 

Jared sits propped up on his bed, his television muted as he talks with Grace on the phone. It was the first time he'd taken advantage of calling her. He'd just been... a bit lonely and wanted to tell somebody about the last few days but had no one to tell it to. She'd be coming again in a couple days for his therapy but being bound to his bedroom and only part of the house, forty-eight hours was a long time to Jared. 

"He asked me a bunch of questions but I didn't remember anything. I felt kinda bad but he was nice. Actually.... nicer than I thought he'd be, compared to Justin." Justin had come just last night and had stayed for about fifteen minutes - a record. Jared wondered if maybe he was really trying to make an effort at coming to see him, yet there was still this feeling in the air that his brother simply didn't like him. Not that Jared could blame him, but... it still hurt. 

"I think Mom thought I'd remember more after seeing my uncle though... I think she was kinda disappointed. I really feel like I'm starting to be a burden to her."

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