
Whispered Warning

Hunter just smiles as he keeps his route to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. How he'd got himself in this position, he wasn't sure. But... even though he complained about how sore he was... there was something about it that felt good too. 

A few minute later as the warm water washes over him, he closes his eyes for a several moments, just reliving the past couple days. He wasn't sure why Mick, and even Eric, seemed to have it out for him... but it wasn't even like that either. It was more like they were teasing him... testing him. Did they do that with any friends Katie brought home? Maybe that was all it was. Maybe they liked pushing her friends just to see how well they'd hold up around here. Well, if that was the case, Hunter wasn't going to give up. Not to mention... it was nice having new things to do that didn't remind him of the past... the accident... or anything else he didn't want to think about it. Sore or not, it was worth it. 

Making his shower a quick one, he's soon dressed again and running a comb through his hair. He could use a shave... He runs a hand over his face. Not now though - not enough time. 

Whistling a tune as he exits the bathroom, he glances around to see where he'd put his sneakers. "Well, it's not as bad as I thought. Hot water seemed to loosen me up a bit and..." 

His sentence trails off as he sees Katie on the bed. Realizing she'd dozed off, a smile creases his lips. Wandering closer, he just watches her for several moments, finding her peaceful form had a calming effect. Easing down on the bed, he lies on his side beside her, propped up on his elbow. He wasn't surprised she was so tired.... maybe picking up her dad would perk her up a bit. He'd rather see her smiling and happy than down. 

Reaching over, he brushes her cheek with a gentle finger. "Hey partner," he whispers. "I thought we were gonna go get soup and sandwiches." There was way too big of a temptation to just curl up beside her and fall asleep too - his only option was to wake her up so they could go eat. She was just resting so peacefully though. "You better get up..." His voice was still quiet, even though he warned her. "I'm liable to kiss you if you don't."

Jason's office? For lunch? Rick found that a little bizarre, as he did Misty's silly laugh, but he just lets it roll off his back. It wasn't worth his time to try and figure her or Jason out. Maybe he was just turning into an old fuddy-duddy.

Smiling as Misty enters his office, Jason shakes his head. "No problem. I was just as hungry as you, ya know." He pauses and glances to her tummy then back up again. "Well... maybe not," he teases.

Taking the food out of the bags, it isn't long before he's seated in his chair, his feet up on his desk as he ate out of one of the containers with a pair of chopsticks. "Mm... I don't think I'll ever get tired of Tou Han's." 

Looking to Misty on the other side of his desk, he hopes he'd gotten her the right thing. "You had an awful lot of confidence in me - I hope I did get something you like."

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