

As the whole scene unfolds with Trooper and Alec Misty stands from the table as her face goes white. She didn't dare move twords Trooper not sure of what was going on and how the dog would react to her. He wasn't listing to Jason why would he listen to her?

Looking between Jason and Alec that was all Misty could do. She was worried about Alec, she was worried about Trooper, she had no idea what was going on or what was wrong with the silly dog to make him act like this.

   "What one earth...."

Continuing to watch Misty is stunned. But finally see Trooper lick his face she becomes even more confused. What was that all about? Was that Trooped letting Alec know he was ok with him now or was he telling him if he wanted to hurt him he would but he choose not too. No one could really know why the dog behaved the way he had.

As Jason helps Alec up Misty puts her hand to her chest and sits down again shaking her head. She felt like her heart was in her throat. She new Trooper would never hurt anyone unless told but it still had startled her.

   "That dog is something else I'll tell you what."

Looking back to Jason Misty gives a smile and a shake of her head. Maybe Trooper was smart and was just trying to get Alec to get use to him. Only the dog new but at least now Alec seemed a little easyer around him. Taking a bite of her burger Misty shakes her head again and grins.

Sitting on the back of the bike as it takes off Katie loves the feel of the wind that passes over her. Leaning with Hunter Katie's grin tightens a little bit but not to much. She loved the feel of going this fast. Watching everything wiz by it just gave Katie a sense of power or a sense of being free. The feeling like nothing else mattered.

Getting to the hospital and slowing down Katie was almost disappointed the ride had been so short. If the could of gone longer she would not have minded at all. At least she had heading home to look forward too.

   "Nope, you didn't lose me your stuck with me."

Giving Hunter a little squeeze Katie slides off the bike and takes her helmet off waiting for Hunter to dismount as well so she could get into the backpack a little better and grab the food out.

As Dani opens the door a smile spreads across Dalton's face as he holds up the flowers. Giving a little grin he takes his sunglasses off and puts them on the top of his head his eyes giving a twinkle. Since He'd met Dani She made him feel special, she made him feel handsome and not some freak because of his size and scars. She was amazing and Dalton was happy with every moment he got to spend with her.

   "Well you see I have these pretty flowers here and I wanted to give them to a pretty lady but...I don't think I should give them to you because your far to beautiful for something so simple."

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