
Some Help

Jason's smile widens just a little at Misty's compliment and he glances down, just continuing to strum. He was glad she enjoyed this. So did he. It had been too long since he'd just sat and played for the simple pleasure of it. Usually he was practicing with the band, not just relaxing and letting his fingers do whatever they wanted. 

Spying Misty with the stick and marshmallows, Alec hesitates before finally joining her on the ground near the small pit. He felt rather silly having never had s'mores before, but he knew what they were and... he'd always wanted to try one. 

Accepting the stick and putting a marshmallow on the end of it, he holds it out near the fire, watching it go from white to golden to brown. Pulling it out before it turned black, he does as Misty had directed, albeit awkwardly, with the cracker and chocolate. Once he's got it all together though, he dares a bite, making the marshmallow and chocolate ooze out the sides.

Laughing a little he grins at the taste and nods. It was a strong enough sweet flavor for him to taste and... Misty was right. This could definitely become a favorite. "Mmm... yeah..." He nods again, swallowing his bite. "This is good stuff." 

Looking back at Misty, Jason studies her in the flickering firelight. They'd known each other for quite a while now, and though Jason had never voiced his thoughts, he did think she was very beautiful. Despite her circumstances with Carson, perhaps it was the baby that held that glow in her eye. Or maybe it was just her sheer will and determination to survive and not let life get her down. Either way, Jason was glad to see her not wallowing in despair. 

Noticing a sudden shy look in her gaze, his lips curl into a new grin. Maybe he'd only admit to himself that it flattered him. 

Only then does he even realize that she'd asked him a question moments prior, and he pauses his guitar playing. "Sure... I'd love one, thanks." 

Watching her create the sweet treat, he resumes his playing and humming until he sees that she's successfully built the s'more. Setting his guitar carefully to the side, he comes nearer the fire. Once there, though, he realizes that the s'more is already oozing in quite the delightful manner, as far as dessert was concerned, but if he was going to play his guitar any more, sticky fingers would not be a good thing. 

Looking at his hands then to Misty, he gives her a sheepish grin. "If the music's over, I can handle this myself. But if you want any more songs, I'm gonna need some help eating this thing." 

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