
Kick in the head

Having Hunter put his arm around her Katie gives a smile and leans in close. She liked it when Hunter pulled her those close and she felt his warmth. It was nice and it make her feel good. Maybe it was that he seemed rough on the outside that made it so much better but there was just a feeling there that Katie liked.

   "You make it sound like being around you is a chore or something. When really, its not...not that much anyways."

Giving a little grin and making her way out the door Katie makes her way across the grass with Hunter. Katie was really enjoying him being here too. There were people here her age that she could talk to and hang out with but she really was never close to them. So having Hunter here made it just a little better to be able to spend her time with someone.

   "How could I say no to you let alone riding. You bet ya we can."

Watching Jared for a second on the swing making sure he didn't fall off Grace gives a smile. He was now determined to get the swing going and she was glad. If he at least tried that was what made her happy. Not to mention making it kind of fun just seemed like less work for Jared.

   "Take off in....five....four....three....two....one!"

Giving a laugh and going to the swing next to him Grace starts out slow herself. It had been so long since she last was on a swing. She hadn't forgotten how to but she new since I had been a while this would be a work out for herself as well.

   "Ok...here I come pulling up behind ya....and lift off.:

Moving her legs and upper body Grace picks up a little bit of speed herself and starts to swing. Smiling and giving a laugh he made her stomach feel funny when she would come down on the swing. The sensation was different but she liked it. 

   "Now this is fun...don't you think? Much better than getting kicked in the head."

Looking up at Justin and into his eyes Beth smiles back at him. Searching his face till she feels his hand on her face and her eyes fall shut. His hand was warm, protecting, strong, and so gentile. Leaning her head into Justin's hand a little bit before returns the soft kiss as there lips meet. Just letting her heart thump and forgetting about everything else for the moment.

   "Mmm...Good Morning Justin."

Opening her eyes and looking back at Justin Beth couldn't hide the smile. Bad things happened in life but Justin was one of the good things. She could only than God for giving her such a good friend and boyfriend. 

Pulling Justin closer to her Beth wraps her arms around his neck in a hug just letting it linger for several moments. Finally breaking it and stepping away Beth smiles taking Justin's hand and locking fingers with it.

   "Maybe tonight when I get out of work would you like to come over and watch a movie or something?"

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