
Just tired

Hearing someone coming Katie looks to the side seeing Hunter.  Giving a small little smile she was happy he deiced to come. At first since it had been a little bit with no reply and no sigh of him she wasn't so sure he would. But now he was here and she was happy. 

Leaning her head against tree again Katie just sits till he gets  a little closer. Once he was and hearing his words she picks her head up and looks up at him. Giving him a one over she shakes her head a little bit. Hunter looked tired, stressed, warn out, he looked like everything had just finally caught up to him.

     "You look pretty sober to me now, you just look...tired."

Looking away again Katie pats the ground next to her hoping Hunter would sit down. Looking across the field at the horizon Katie remembered falling sleep here with Hunter. He'd been so comfortable, so soft to sleep it had come easy and he'd never complained about it. The thought put another smile on her lips.

    "I just can't be mad at you. Even though I should be, I just can't. I care about you and you mean a great deal to me not just as a friend maybe something more too. I just...care what happens to you and I don't want to have to come visit you in a hospital too."

Busy making her sub Misty was having fun watching Alec and what combination he was using. Working on her own she tried to put something different together and not the same old same old. New things now and than were good it kept a meal intrusting and not dull.

Hearing Alec's question Misty turns his head to him a little and raises an eyebrow not behind able to help the smile that was on her face too. Was it that obvious? Misty didn't know but she did not that Alec was an observant person and if anyone was going to spot it, it would be him.

    "Yes, we are dating now as of a few days ago."

Thinking about it to an outsider like Alec it might seem kind of quick for her to be dating someone else if they didn't know the history.

   "Jase and I have....mmm....we've always had an attraction to each other for as long as I can remember. But we also had a respect for each other that life just didn't work out with us being together. I had Carson, and he had Katie. We both had people who loved, and wanted to be with even if there were sparks between us. So out feelings for each other were locked away and we only had a strong friendship."

Misty had no idea if she was explaining this right. She new Alec was smart though so maybe he could peace everything together and understand what she was saying even if the words came out wrong.

   "So, now since we both lost the people we loved, it was like a wall had been broken and the feelings we had tucked away for some many years just came out. I think thats why it happened so fast because really we had liked each other for a log time coming. If it had been anyone else I don't think it would of happened this fast. Do I still miss Carson...you bet I do. Do I still cry myself to sleep...you should see my garbage can. But I can't do anything to change what happened so I have to more forward."

Going back to her sub and adding a few more things. Misty wondered if she was rambling now but it was the best way she could describe the whole thing without making it drawn out more than it already was.

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