
Comfy Seats

Jason grins, stifling another laugh as his cheeks grow warm. He wasn't sure he'd ever been complimented like that on his kissing before. 

"Um... no, not all the time. Just... when something motivates me." 

Just gazing into those never-ending eyes... holding her soft hand... feeling her fingers running gently through his hair... it was as if all his questions this past week about him and her and where they were going had been suddenly answered. He knew legally she was still married... but she had also initiated a divorce. He knew that it would be impossible for her to have rid herself of all love for Carson already... but he also knew that she was not a woman to stand still - she had made up her mind to move on. He knew that in a way, she was on the rebound, still struggling with being abandoned... but they had also known each other for longer than this past month and these feelings were not new ...or unexpected. So yes, there were some apprehensions lurking in the back of Jason's mind... but none major enough for him to withdraw now. He liked Misty. She was lonely. He was lonely. She liked him. They got along great. Why not just go with the flow and see what would happen? 

Leaning back in, Jason gives Misty's lips a more tender kiss this time before pulling back to rest against her forehead again. "How about we get to the theater, hmm?" His hand continues to softly move around hers. "I hear two comfy seats calling our names..."

Dani squeals as she's picked up, wrapping her arms around Dalton's neck. Laughing, she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and nods. "Okay. I promise."

Grinning, she points to the kitchen. "Onward, my prince charming! To the chocolate pie!"

Jay smiles and nods slowly, agreeing with his sister's observation. "I get the funny feeling Hunter's on the edge of something... like one step will either take him in the right direction or a very wrong one. Then at the same time, he's so likable that I forget he hasn't been a lifelong friend of Katie's." 

He shrugs. "I don't know. You're right though - he's different. They're different together. I just hope things turn out well for the both of them, whether they're just friends or not. Katie could stand something to go right for once lately." 

Hunter chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm the odd man out here - how is it that I get to pick what we do?" 

Swinging off his bike, he stretches tall, twisting to pop his back before sighing with content. "I feel like I should choose to work, but if I'm going to be honest, I gotta say, just chilling for a while sounds like a good idea too." 

Slinging an arm around Katie's shoulders, he gives her a playful jolt. "I just wanna get rid of this city slicker label," he admits. "Maybe I can pitch in with chores later? If... you wanna help me find a nice shady spot to relax for the time being?"

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