
Over Reacted

As Eric comes in for the kiss Stacy doesn't have time to stop him though she probley wouldn't try even if she did have time to react. A kiss from him was all two nice, and she enjoyed the affection she had been lacking for all to long.

Returning the kiss and feeling the whip cream on her cheek as Eric backs away Stacy can't help grin and cock her head.  Taking her napkin and whipping her face again Stacy shakes her head lightly. Crumpling up her napkin she throws it in Eric direction.

   "Your lucky I like you, you know that?"

Katie can't help but laugh once Jeff was back and started talking about Jay. That was one way to look at them and man would it be confusing for everyone. She'd always consider Jay a father though even though she new now Jeff was. He'd still taken care of her for most of her life and for that she would be thankful even through the rough times.

   "He either needs to come here or I need to go see him. It's been a long time since I got to spend time with him and the family."

Taking another scoop of her ice cream Katie savers the flavor for a moment. The cold treat felt good going down her throat after a hot day and spending the time sitting here with her dad she wanted to savor it as long as she could.

Hearing her Dad's comment Katie gives a nod. This was the post she was going to hate the post telling her Dad about her and Jason. For some reason there was a fear of disappointment there and she wasn't sure why. Maybe because she didn't want him to be disappointed she couldn't hold it together or maybe it was something else but it was a feeling she didn't like.

   "I'll be here for at least a month or two. That's how much personal time I have from work. I just...need to take it all to find who I am again."

Looking up at her dad Katie searches his face for a long moment. She always been able to talk to him no matter what even before she new he was here dad. It was just a connection they had always had. Looking at her dad her eyes feel almost like they are one fire like she might cry again but she holds them off for now.

   "Jason and I....we broke up. I walked into the concert with some chick he'd been hanging out with kissing him. He told me he had nothing to do with the kiss, and I over reacted but...I just go so mad I...broke things off, and here I am. I was just really hurt ya know? After everything...it felt like my heart was ripped out."

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