

The ride in the car was quiet and Rosetta didn't mind to much. Her mind wondered on many things along with the excitement of Jay coming to the ranch. Though it was strange at the same time she new the feeling would pass as soon as they got home. There was be far to much excitment.

Hearing Jay's question Rosetta looks to him and gives a smile. A lot really had changed since he had been there last and the ranch had expanded a lot more too. Though it still held some of the old building and what not this was going to be like a whole new place to visit.

   "Well, Cindy has her own house with Kaylee tucked back in the woods.Wes built it for them.  Sparky and Faith are working on there own house, Clint and Wendy have theirs. We have a few more barns, bunks, and we expanded on our dinning hall."

Stopping for a second and thinking Rosetta new there was more she was leaving out. It was hard to get everything in when there was so much that was different now. 

   "The rest you will just have to explore when you get there. It's been a while."

Seeing Hunter Katie gives a bright smile. Though he looked and smelled like he had been hard at work she thought it made him a little extra good looking than normal. There was just something about a working guy that always seemed to catch Katie's eye and she wasn't sure why.

   "Mmmm...Lemonade! That sounds refreshing right about now. If you wouldn't mind could you bring me a glass? I have to wait till these girls dry before I leave them."

Katie gives another smile to Hunter as she runs her hand along the back of the horse. She was still wet enough to get muddy but not overly wet. Still after just cleaning them she didn't want to run the risk of them getting dirty once more.

Victoria sometimes hated there busy work times, and she hated they couldn't be honest about there love. She hated when she had to kiss another guy, or show him affection when the hold time is was Garret she was thinking about and felt like she was wronging even if it was her job. 

Still though Garret's question seemed to surprise her. She'd though about leaving before, and thinking about it made her heart beat faster again as if her body could taste the freedom that was being talked about. That was more dangerous than anything. To leave, escape, be free, live in the light. As exciting as it sounded it scared her all the same.

   "I've dreamed about it but left it at that. Never have I dwelled for fear my scenes would be lost and death would find me. Nore do I think the light would welcome me...not after all I've done."

Leaning down Victoria gives Garret a soft kiss on the lips. She new there time was drawing short and she had stayed longer than she should have already but leaving always seemed to get harder and harder. No matter how much they did it, or how use to it she was. To fall asleep with Garret just holding her...that was another dream she wondered was just that.

   "You're my light Garret...As long as I got you I'm not truly in darkness."

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