
Knock your Head

Katie gives a smile on the other end of the phone as she places with a peace of ice in her glass. Though she could feel her cheeks getting red Hunter's comment makes her smile. At least he was missing her that meant something.

Leaning back on the swing and softly pushing herself back and forth. As the conversation goes a little more serous Katie gave a small nod. Something had told her Hunter needed to talk to someone and she was really happy she'd called, and happy he was happy she did too.

   "You can always call no matter the time and your welcome. I was really happy to get to talk to you as well."

Hearing Hunter's voice really had been nice. Katie couldn't really describe it if asked but there was just a comfort in hearing from him, like he really hadn't forgotten about her. It made her feel good and showed her He really was a good friend.

   "So, other than the things we already talked about are you keeping your head on straight? No ones tried to knock it off have they?"

Giving a soft smile Misty stands herself and goes to the sink. Having Alec ask once again if he could sleep out the couch she keeps the small laugh to herself. Maybe it made him feel better if he asked and if thats what it took than Misty was really ok with it.

   "Yes you can sleep on the couch tonight and as many nights as you want or need. I don't mind one bit."

Walking past Alec Misty reaches out an ruffles his hair before giving a soft chuckle. Heading down the hall to the linen closet she pulls out a pillow and some blankets before bring them back to the living room setting them down.

    "If you get up in the night and are hungry or thirsty help yourself to anything in the fridge. You can watch tv too if you like I don't mind and my room is up the steps and to the right if you need me."

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