

A new kind of smile creases Hunter's lips as he continues to study Katie. She was so different from anybody else he knew. So much more to her than just the surface. 

Feeling her hand on his, his thumb continues to caress her face. It was soft. Warm. It wasn't the face of a woman who had ill intentions or wanted the wrong things from him. It was the face of an innocent girl who just needed some extra understanding and someone who could care. 

"I think I'm gonna be glad I came," he responds quietly. He had no idea how long he intended to stay. A week tops was what he'd had in the back of his mind. But he had no set plans. He had no job he needed to return to. His apartment could take care of itself for a while. And if he was genuinely wanted here then... who knew what he'd end up doing? He was used to flying by the seat of his pants. 

Finally letting his hand down, it gently runs the length of her arm before finding her palm and interlocking her fingers with his own. He didn't know why he he felt so strongly about being her friend. But he did. And until she told him to go away, he had no intention of turning his back. 

"Walk me to my bunkhouse," he prompts. "Then I can clean up before supper." 

Jeff throws another pitchfork full of manure into the wheelbarrow before wiping his brow. Was it getting extremely hot in here or was it just him? Continuing to work, the air in the stall seemed hard to breathe and he found himself on the verge of wheezing. Forcing himself to finish the stall and dump the load out on the manure pile, by the time he gets back to the barn, he's drenched in sweat from head to toe. Avoiding anyone else, he wanders towards his bunkhouse, planning on just lying down for a short while before supper. It would be about an hour... that should give him enough time to catch his breath. 

When he reaches his bunk though, his world starts to spin - enough so that he catches himself on the porch railing, fearing walking up those two small steps. Bending and closing his eyes, he tries to get a hold of himself but what he felt only worsens. His chest had been tight all morning - now it was starting to hurt. 

Sinking down to one knee, he desperately tries to ward off the darkness. He would stay conscious. He had to. He couldn't let this win. He would win. He would... 

His eyes start to roll back in his head as he continues to fight. 

Reese nods to Dalton, still lost in thought though. "Yeah... yeah.... tomorrow if you have time, check a little deeper I guess. See if you can find out anything else. There's more than this. I can feel it in my bones. Carson doesn't just randomly do things. He's methodical. He plans and he does it well. There has to be more to all of this than him just researching a few Agency files." 

Standing up, he takes the printouts with him. "Thanks, Dalton. Now go home before I have to pay you overtime."

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