

So many things could be seen in the one look Jeff could see from Rosetta. Anger, sadness, depression and the longing to just be normal. It pained Rosetta to know it just wasn't possable for Jeff. He'd always been sick and yes they had made him a little better when they removed the chip but he wasn't one hundred percent and he probley never would be.

   "Yeah I am going to head back with Jay for a little bit. I'll be back later though, you just can't get rid of your sister you know."

Trying to give a smile Rosetta lays a hand on her brother's hand. She really did care about about her brother and she didn't want anything to happen to him.

    "Hey I know things are hard right now....and it tough for you. But I know your strong so hang in there ok? You have a lot of people who love you. I know its not easy...I've been there with my own heart. So don't think your alone ok?"

Taking some of the soap and a brush Katie starts to lather up the horse and slowly but strongly comb it through the hair, taking careful note to the dirt and making the coat look sleek. Katie loved the way the wet soapy fur felt under her fingers. 

   "Well if you have to sit down or something don't feel bad about it. I don't mind finishing up the horses and than leave you to looking them over."

Katie new that sometimes Luke had to take it easy because of his legs and she understood. She'd help and if he had to go than that was find with her. She liked working with the horses best and making them look good enough to sell later in the day gave her pleasure.

Leaning her head to the side Grace looks at Jared for a long moment and gives a smile. She understood where Jared was coming from and she understood his frustration. She couldn't imagine being in that position herself and not having any frustration at all. In her mind she thought Jared was taking it pretty well. Better than most even.

   "Being slow doesn't get old...it helps us remember the finer things in life. It helps us to remember, look around and just simply enjoy. Life is so short to be in a rush, and before you know it...it will all be gone."

Studying the clouds Grace cocks her head for a second deep in through. Studying the cloud that Jared had said was a dragon she chuckles for a second.

   "That's definitely not a dragon thats a lady bug. You can see the spots right there."

   "I know I shouldn't but you know I don't follow the rules all the time."

Running her hand down Garret's face again she whipes a little of the sweat away. She wasn't sure what had happened but she new it hurt to see him like this. The fear of the one person she loved, the one person no one else new she cared for more than anything. 

   "What happened this time? Did something go wrong?"

Sitting down softly on the side of his bed Victoria takes the towel that had been laying on the night stand with the basin that had ice in it and got it wet a little. Bringing it to his forehead she gently dabs away the sweat trying to cool him down little by little.


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