
Thick Headed

As little pretzel crumbs fly everywhere with Kaylee's thank you Trey can't help but laugh for the first time is eye giving a familiar twinkle that could very well link him to his twin. Trey couldn't help it Kaylee just seemed to melt his heart and make it as soft as mush with her eyes that looked so deep but held no judgment. He was her brother, and she loved him.

   "Watch it there Squirt, you need to eat that breath. Doing both at once is not a good combo."

Sitting back and keeping the chatting light Trey enjoyed talking with his mother. Finding out more about her, about there family and he even shared about himself too. Every now and again looking to Kaylee and giving another laugh.

As the time draws to a closing some how Kaylee had found her way into Trey's lap some paper and a few crayons on the table for her to play with. Leaning down and looking over her shoulder Trey cocks his head just a little bit and looks at the picture.

   "It's a horse right? Wait no...a pig?"

Looking up again and smiling at Cindy Trey's smile fades just a little as his eye catches the time. He was having a nice time today with his sister and his mom. Now they would soon be leaving and he would be alone again. It was no something he was looking forward to, but it was something that gave him hope for the future.

   "I've really enjoyed it too. Thank you...for not giving up."

Just letting Justin run is finger over her palm Beth sits and looks up at him. The small flutter in her stomach returned that she had felt not to long ago. She'd pushed that feeling aside a while ago though because Justin made no move to be more than friends. But now...now she felt it and it confused her just a little bit more.

    "You don't have to worry Justin I will still be your friend, and I will still be around. Just because I have someone else I am spending time with too doesn't mean I am going to forget about you and everything you have done for me."

Letting her hand slip from Justin's Beth brings her hand to the side of his face and just lets her thumb run over his cheek for a moment. It was the first bold move she had ever made but she had made it anyways.

   "and if case I never said it before...thank you."

Walking inside and going right to her room Katie didn't even bother letting anyone know she was home. The rest of the day had been hard and tiring but Katie made it through some how. Now all she wanted to do was bury her face in her pillow and cry not understanding what went wrong.

Letting out the long sigh the reminder sound of her cell phone goes off. She had forgotten that Hunter had texted her before and she never replied or even ready it. Letting out another sigh she lets out a sigh.

Hey, sorry for the late reply. Had a pretty crappy day. You're a man so answer...why are you guys always so thick headed?

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