
More Drunkenness

Hunter was relieved that he wasn't going to have to argue with Katie. Right now, he just wanted to know she was going to be safe, and the best way to do it was to take her to his apartment. 

"Okay good. Well how 'bout you give me your keys and we'll take your car so it's in a safe spot too?" 

Once he has the keys and makes sure she's in the car with him, he drives the short distance to the parking lot. Though not far, it was safer than leaving the car in front of the bar where who knows what could happen to it. 

Getting Katie out and up the stairs wasn't too difficult - she was so lightweight that Hunter had no trouble keeping her on her feet. When they arrive at his apartment, he's quick to unlock the door and guide her inside. Opting for the couch, he figured that was the best place - he knew good and well that it wouldn't be long until she was going to be out like a light. What he didn't know, though, was whether or not she'd remember anything when she woke up, and the last thing he wanted was for her to wake up in his bed and assume he hadn't been the gentleman he'd promised. 

"Alright... here we go... Katie, meet my couch. Couch, this is Katie." He guides her to sit, then eases down next to her.  "So, welcome to my apartment, I guess." He studies her glazed eyes for several moments. "How about getting a little rest, hmm?"

Soaking up Misty's comfort, Carson feels himself starting to relax again. She was the only one who could do that to him... relax him when he was the most uptight. 

Nuzzling into her, he sighs deeply, his eyes growing heavy. He hadn't thought he'd be able to fall back asleep but...

The beeping alarm yanks Carson from his sleep. Rolling onto his back, he whacks the top of the clock to get it to stop. It was still dark out, but it was time to get up, go for a jog then head to the restaurant. His drooping eyes stare into the darkness until he rolls back over. Cuddling up with Misty again, he slides his arm around her and tucks his legs in around hers. He didn't want to go running this morning and the restaurant could wait. He didn't care. He felt like he'd been run over by a truck, and that was that.

Garret didn't want this time to end. He could sit here forever with Victoria, feeling her so close, so warm. His heart beat loudly as his emotions poured out the only way they could. He felt love, pain, anger, comfort, sorrow, gladness... and it all was forced out through the continued kiss. 

A twig snaps. "What the..." 

Garret's head snaps back at the sound of someone's voice and his eyes instantly move to the side to see one of the guards, who was staring at them in shock. 

And Garret's reflexes are faster than his mind. 

In less than two seconds, the guard is no longer standing, but is lying on the ground with a knife in his chest, and Garret's eyes blaze as adrenaline surges through his veins. He hadn't even moved from his spot on the ground, but the witness was now dead. 

Gripping Victoria's hand, his eyes come back to hers, his gaze wide and concerned. More than anything though, he felt angry... for being caught, for the need to hide, and for the need to kill just to survive. This day had been bad enough, and now more blood had been shed - by his hands once more. Without even thinking or considering the consequences, he had just murdered someone because they'd witnessed him and Victoria together. And he had to think fast for them both to stay out of trouble.

"I caught him trying to sneak from the grounds," he states flatly. "Hans had paid him to find a way out." It was a bold-faced lie, but that's how this incident would be explained and Garret knew they could pull it off beautifully without so much as a blink from anyone. He swallows hard, hoping that she would agree to the cover-up. When on the job, seeing things like this were taken in stride. But usually killing people didn't happen while trying to relax at the estate.

His expression changes to one of sorrow. He'd been so enjoying their moment. To have it so abruptly ended like this, with a dead man just fifteen feet away, it was not how he'd wanted to say goodnight.

Being called to the scene at one o'clock in the morning, Reese was less than happy. The officer on the phone had explained that they had Alec, there had been some public disturbance, and when ready to haul him downtown, they'd realized he was under the eye of the Elite. After that, they'd tracked down Reese's home phone number. He wasn't sure if he was glad about that or not. If whatever it was was small, then he'd be mighty upset. If whatever it was was big, then he'd be even more upset. It wasn't fair that the Elite's rehabilitation program was riding on Alec - but that's the way it was. And if Alec failed, the program failed.

Pulling up outside the Bullseye, there are several cop cars with flashing lights, and a few people gathered around the sidewalk to gawk. Reese parks and gets out of his car, looking around at the glass scattered across the ground. There were broken beer bottles and several cars with bashed-in windows.

"Mr. Reese?"

He turns to nod at a police officer. "Yes. What's happened here?"

The officer steps to the side and points to a very drunk Alec sitting on the curb. "Apparently he was here for a while and had a few too many drinks. He came out here with some empty bottles and started breaking car windows for no apparent reason. We got called in and when we realized who he was... well, you know the rest."

Reese's anger boiled, but he manages to keep it below the surface. "Was anybody hurt?"

"Nah. He didn't seem to want anything to do with anybody. Just threw a fit all by himself."

"Great. Thanks. I'll take him off your hands." Reese was tired, disappointed and angry. And it was not a good combination. Stalking up to Alec, he gives his shin a light kick. "Get up."

Alec squints up at him, teetering slightly. "Aw, hey! Its th' cheif!" He cackles and tries to pull himself up, but struggles.

Reese reaches down and yanks him to his feet, forced to hang onto him, lest he fall right back down again. "You're coming with me."

"Right, right." Alec leans on him heavily. "And in th' sl'mer I go!" 

"Shut up." Reese half drags Alec to the car, shoving him into the passenger front seat and shutting the door - a little harder than need be. Getting in behind the wheel, he starts the engine without a word and aims towards TJY.

"I d'dn't hurt nobody, y'know," Alec slurs, slouching in his seat. "I's j'st havin' a bit of fun. I know you d'nt like that though. That's..." He frowns and counts on his fingers. "Um... three... three counts... right?"

Reese doesn't respond. Yes, it was three. Once not showing up for work. Once going outside city limits. And once disturbing the peace and destruction of property. That didn't include his being late for work several times lately, getting into a fight while on the job, nor his unexplainable bad attitude during the last few weeks.

Alec nods. "I g'ss tha's it fer me, huh? No more reh'belt'in." He frowns, being unable to pronounce 'rehabilitation' correctly. He shakes his head. "No more. Ov'r 'n out. No more Alec Banks ta threaten th' c'mmunity."

On top of being angry, Reese was sorry. He was sorry things had turned out this way. He was sorry they hadn't been able to help Alec. He had seen a good man. He had seen Alec's potential. He had seen the change. But when Alec had been dragged back in to the Agency, it had all been for naught. And now that they were trying to help him again, it was worse than starting over. Reese didn't know why. He didn't understand. All he'd wanted was to help the young man - give him a real chance at life without the Agency influence. He'd wanted to prove that Alec's criminal actions were only the result of the Agency and not his own nature. But lately.... lately, Alec was deliberately getting into trouble - pushing the limits to see how far he had go. It was as if he were just taunting Reese to hold to his word and throw him into prison.

Reese remembers the deal with the judge and the Elite board. By way of a miracle, he'd been allowed to keep trying to help Alec. Of course there had been punishment - there had to be. Alec was given hard labor as a consequence of his actions. But the judge had been lenient as a result of testimony that Alec had only gone back to the Agency in order to protect the innocent. Intentions didn't always win over the law, but they had this time. Now, though... where had Alec's intentions gone? He was defying the same system that had kept him from a life in prison. And Reese simply didn't understand.

Ignoring Alec's babbling, Reese continues to drive, getting to TJY. Dragging Alec inside, he makes his way to the first interrogation room, letting Alec sink down in a chair, and leaving him for several minutes before returning.

Alec looks at him dimly, his eyes glazed over and his mind functioning too slowly to do much good. "Ya g'na turn me inta th' pr'son?"

"No." Reese's stomach churns. He had tried. He had done his best. Maybe the program really wouldn't work. Maybe every time they got a hold of an Agency man or woman, they'd have to fight each case individually, hoping to give them a new chance, instead of having an established rehabilitation program. Maybe his dream would simply not come to be.

Kneeling in front of Alec, he pulls up Alec's pantleg to expose the ankle bracelet. He had left the room to retrieve the tools to remove it.

Alec furrows his brow. "What'r y' doin'?"

Reese doesn't answer. Instead, he simply sets about his task. He could get in very deep water for this. But the worst that could happen would be the end of trying to save Agency people. And even then, he had his own plans on how to handle that. Maybe he'd wind up paying for something. But with his reputation as Chief, he would probably only receive a reprimand from the judge. If anybody got hurt... well, Reese would have to deal with his own conscience with that one. 

Alec still tries to process what was happening as he stares down at Reese. "Ya g'na kill me or somethin'?"

Reese scoffs. "That, my friend, would be too easy and too humane for you." Removing the anklet, he stands, tossing it onto the table. Maybe there was a part of him, deep down, that hoped something good would come of this. That this move would be what Alec needed to prove himself worthy of being free. But the majority of what Reese was feeling was failure. He didn't often give up. But there was a time for everything. And tonight... he was done. "Stand up. I'll walk you to the door."

Alec manages to get to his feet, but was still confused. "Wha... why? What'r ya g'na do ta me?"

"Nothing." Reese takes him by the arm and leads him on a wobbly walk back to the exit and into the parking lot. "Now go."

"G-go... where?"

"Anywhere you want." Reese sighs deeply. "For once in my life, Alec, I give up. I can't keep you here. I can't, with good conscience, send you to prison. And I can't keep tracking you and cleaning up after your messes. As of tonight, you may go where you please. You do not have to report to work, and you will no longer be tracked."

Alec blinks, not knowing whether he was hearing the truth or if it was the alcohol messing with him. "I d'n't underst'nd."

"What's there to understand? You're free, Alec."


"Yeah. As in not my responsibility anymore. I wash my hands of you. I have tried everything I know how to do. I have given you every chance I possibly can. I thought it was going to work. I thought you would be happy to not be in prison or sentenced to death. But I guess I was wrong." Reese shakes his head. "You have four weeks to move to your own place. If you haven't found your own place, it's not our responsibility to take care of you. As of tonight, you will no longer receive an allowance. The Elite is through with you."

Though drunk, the seriousness of Reese's words do sink in, and Alec stares at him dumbly. "Well what.... what now?"

"That's up to you. If you get arrested, it's your problem, not mine. If the police or judge see any arrest records and deem you worthy of prison, it is their decision now, not mine."

"You c'nt j'st drop me in th' middle a n'where."

"I can, and I just did." Reese points across the parking lot to the street. "I will be informing the board of this first thing in the morning. If they disagree with my decision, they will have to decide what to do with you, because I'm done. You've proven me wrong about you, Mr. Banks. Congratulations." Without another word, Reese turns and goes back inside. Would Alec even make it safely home without hurting himself or getting run over? Reese didn't know. But it was time the babysitting stopped.

Alec stares at the closed door. Free? This is what free was? Being dumped on his butt with no warning? Why didn't Reese want him in prison? Why didn't he arrest him? Alec hadn't wanted this! He'd wanted prison! He'd wanted to get away from all this! But... freedom?

Staggering a bit, he heads for the sidewalk and aims towards home... he thinks. Was it left or right? Oh well, he'd find it eventually. Stopping every so often to lean on a light post or tree, Alec makes his way slowly home.

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