
Good Pillow

"Nash....I don't min..mind the company. Kinda don wanna be alonesh anyways."

As Fast as Katie had gotten drunk she could feel it starting to ware off a little too. She wasn't as giggly as before but now it was more of a drunken mellow state and although she was a little tired sleep was just something at the moment...she didn't want to do.

   "Nofhin better than a b...b...movie for sure."

Looking over at Hunter and seeing him offer himself as a pillow Katie gives a small smile. Maybe an innocent cuddle would make her feel better. Just to feel comforted would be nice.

 Moving closer to Hunter Katie curls up into a little ball and leans her head on his chest and draps her arm over his stomach. Just laying there she focuses on the tv starting to feel her eyes droop a little bit she does her best to keep them pried over. Sleep was not what she wanted to face yet. 

   "You make a good pillow you know that? Shoft, squishy, warm...you make a good pillow."

Letting her words trail off Katie tries to pay attachen to the movie once more but within seconds she was a sleep. Her breath shallow, her arm still tucked tightly around Hunter, her face buried into his chest. The only moment she made was a twitch here or there that hinted maybe she was drean, but of what no one would ever know.

Giving a knock on the door Grace smiles as she enters the room. Today she wore a pretty pink sundress and a while flower made a nice addition in her hair that was pulled part of the way back and hung in little ringlets. Not her normal a tire.

   "Hey there Jared. Bet you wouldn't see me today since I was off huh?"

Entering the room a little more she continues to hold her smile. Something about the air in the room seemed thick and maybe even a little hostile but she did her best not to pay any mind to it. She come here today with a reason and she hoped Jared would take her up on it.

   "So, I came here for two reasons...one I just couldn't take a day without your flirting comments and two its so nice outside I thought you might like to get out of this room for a little while and get some fresh air."

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