

As the shadow form on the table Trey looks quickly to Kaylee almost in a pouncing fashion in case it was something that was going to harm his sister. Seeing it was Carson though Trey relaxes a little bit. He hadn't meant to get defense but maybe there was still a few things he needed to get use too. Being on guard was just second nature.

Looking back to Cindy at the mention of pizza Trey can feel his stomach grumble a little bit. He hadn't realized how hungry he was till now. The thought of the mouth watering pizza sure did sound good though. He's only had it once but he could tell it some something that was going to become his most liked food.

   "I...don't know what kind I like. I only tried pizza for the first time the other day. It had pepperoni on it and that was pretty good. Other than that though...I don't know."

Trey felt silly saying he didn't know what he liked on a pizza. It seemed so normal for so many people to have pizza here and him he had no idea what was good and what wasn't. It really at this point was trial and error.

Looking down at her glass again and than looking up at Jason Katie just study's him for a long moment. His question had so many answers and she wasn't sure what one she should say first or at all. It was a loaded question with no answer. Where they ok? Where they really?

   "I...I think we are...arnt we? I mean other than not being as close, not hanging out together as much...I guess thats what normal people do right? One person has there friends, and the other person has there friends and they dont....mingle together?"

Katie did her best not to be upset, or sound bitter. She didn't know how to explain this or what words tor really say. This whole emotionally not being connected and trying not to explain how she felt...it pretty much sucked.

   "Not to sure how this whole being normal things goes. I'm still just playing by ear."

Sitting in the grass and watching Justin fish every now and than Beth would give up and play with the dogs, pet them or throw a stick they would bring to her. Now though they were off somewhere doing something and it was her time to relax. The sun was warm and the breeze was nice not making it to hot.

   "Yes Zach is his first name. The other day was pretty fun. She showed me around the animal shelter and I think I might volunteer there once or twice a week. Than we went for ice cream and look at old antiques. It was kind of fun looking at the old stuff most people forget about."

Leaning back on her arms Beth looks out across the water watching the ripples, and the dragon flys darting to and fro. It was so peaceful here she liked it, it was quiet, and what noises there were, were soft and comforting.

   "He also asked me out on a date sometime next week. I...figured I need to branch out a little bit so I told him yes. I am kind of nervous about it because I've never been on a date before...But thanks to your help I am ready to try some new adventures so on top of being nervous I am kind of excited too."

Feeling Tyler's arms slip around her Faith gives a smile. Even if she hadn't heard him come into the house and new his touch and she could tell it was him. There was just something about it that gave her chills before he even spoke.

   "Hey there handsome, of course I missed you. I always do when your out working."

Setting the knife down that was busy cutting up some apples for a pie Faith brings her hands to Sparky's and leans back against him slightly for a moment closing her eyes and just soaking up his comfort and being close. She wasn't sure if he had more work to do or not so she would get all she could, while she could.

   "Did you and Dylan get everything done that you needed too?"

Looking down at Eric's leg Angel pokes a little, moves it a little and prods it but does it in a gentile nature unlike most doctors.  Going over to her cabnit she grabs an ointment and rubs some of it on Eric's leg before returning it to its place.

   "Don't worry nothing is wrong that was just some iceyhot to try and see if we can get the muscles loosened a little bit. You're leg is extramly stiff, and was over worked yesterday. You need to take it easy today and not be on it for long amount of time."

Angel puts her hands on her hips and looks at Eric in a stern manor. If he didn't start taking it easy he was going to never give it time to heal than it would turn into a bigger problem than need be. 

   "I'll be checking on you through out the day and if your not taking it easy I'll make Mick tie you down so you will. Understand me?"


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