

Thinking about all the different kinds of drinks Hunter was talking about Katie felt a little confused. Different kinds of drinks for different moods. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous she never had done this so who know what she liked at all.

   "Well...lets not start with the shot, how about...starting with a beer. Humm...how about something with a sweeter taste. I was told Labatts is good for that."

Katie gives a another smile as she hops up on the bar stool. She didn't feel to bad for being here, she'd broken up with Jason so now she wasn't do anything wrong. Not that she though she was before thinking about it only made her angry again though.

   "So, my night might have been crap but...how was yours? I'm sorry I have been avoiding you."

As Carson answers her and than places his head in her lap Misty lets out another sigh. Something about the way Carson was acting...she didn't find it cut like normal. Maybe it was because she was slightly irritated. Holding Carson like he asked she leans her head back against the couch. She had no idea what to say to him now so many nothing was the best thing to say.

   "How about we head to bed hmmm?"

As the night draws on and laughs were shared, tears were shed, and memories remembered Victoria dreaded the sleep. When she mother finally did she slowly walked to the balcony again and looked out at the heavens.

   "I don't know if your out there God, but spare my mother. She lived this life because she had not, there was no other choose."

Letting out another sigh and walking back in Sleep was not something Victoria would find. Stay by her mom's side like she promised she held she hand and continued to just watch her sleep. Remembering her, imprinting her image into her mind so she would never forget when she was gone.

...Draw came all to soon and Victoria's eyes were heavy from not a wink of sleep. She new it was time, it was time for her to leave the room while she still could. It was not something she wanted to do but it was something she had to do.

Leaning over to her mom's sleeping form Victoria gives her a soft kiss on the for head brushing her hair gently with her fingers to not wake her.

   "I love you! I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

A tear trickled down her cheek and she new it was time to go. Gathering her things and slipping silently out the door Victoria makes her way for her room. So much seemed to change in the matter of days, thats how its always been but having it be so close to home, one of her family members it seemed to just be quicker. 

But the worst thing of all where the screams and crys in her own head of the familys she helped destroy. This was no different than anything else she had done...maybe in a round about way this was her punishment for everything she had done.

Giving a laugh and shaking her head Ryan heads into the kitchen. Stopping at the table she looks for the papers for the puppys Coming across a stack of bills she looks through them before taking two and folding them slipping them into her back pocket. Tal would never let her help willing so she would do it without his knowledge. Yelling into the other room making he was making his way to the bathroom she grins.

   "Just whatever you do, dont need any help in there till Eli comes back because there is no way I am coming to the rescue."

Laughing Ryan spots the paperwork about the dogs and scoops it up along with the phone bringing it back into the living room and setting it down on the table. Looking through some of the stuff she had no idea really what she was looking at so for now she would set it aside and leave it for when Tal came back and directed her to do.

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