

"Stick in the mud? Me?" Hunter gives Katie a grin, watching her step into the water. Was she flirting with him? Surely not. Not after she had just spilled her guts about her boyfriend - it was obvious she loved him. No... she was just trying to have a little fun, and he'd treat it as such. Now wasn't the time for his cheesy pick-up lines. He spreads out his arms. "Do I look like a stick in the mud to you?"

Just watching her for a few more moments, he finally shakes his head, groaning. Taking off his jacket, he unlaces his boots and takes those off too, along with his socks, and rolls up his jeans. 

Standing, he walks slowly through the sand, stopping at the water's edge. He sets his hands on his hips and wriggles his toes in the water, but that was all. "I don't know... I definitely hear the water calling your name, but I haven't heard my name yet."

"Usually Sharpshooter." Dylan nods at Ashlee. "Sparky's had me on him for a while now so he's pretty much my regular mount. I've hit the ground a few times but nothing too serious and it's always been my fault. Sharpshooter can get stubborn but Sparky says it's good for me." 

Something close to a wry grin toys at the very edges of Dylan's mouth. "I guess I don't mind though." He rolls his eyes. "Now that I don't freak out around the horses."

Eric chuckles. "I could be wrong, but I think you might need somebody younger if you're after the company of somebody your age." 

He cocks his head, his eyes roaming Stacy's face as his smile remains. "But I'm glad my presence at least ain't repulsive. Seeing you two girls smiling makes the whole day worth it in my book." 

"Yeah, I suppose." Jared hoped that if he found out he'd been a lousy kind of guy, that he'd be able to shake that reputation. But why would he have been a black sheep? What had he been like? He didn't feel like a bad person. 

"I don't know... I don't want anybody putting pressure on my family if they don't wanna talk to me about any of that. I mean maybe I shouldn't care at all. Just pick up any pieces I've got and start over from scratch." 

He sighs, looking away from Grace again. "Maybe there won't be any shock. Maybe it'll never come back to me. I just... I have so many questions." 

What had his childhood been like? What were he and Justin like as kids? Had he ever been in love? Had a girlfriend? What kind of jobs had he had? 

A little tingle in his leg makes his eyes snap back to Grace. "Hey I kinda felt something there for just a second."

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