
This, not This

Looking up as Eric enters the office Angel gives a smile noting his limp as he walked. It had been a long time since he came in and asked for anything for the pain. Motioning for him to sit down he new good and well she wouldn't give him anything without looking at what happened first.

   "Let me take a look first and than I can."

Taking a look at the affected area Angel runs her hand over it as gentily as she can knowing it was tender. Seeing the swelling, black and blue make Angel gives a nod. He'd gotten kicked pretty good today and she believe him when he said it she just had to make sure it wasn't hurt any worse and the pain was being masked.

   "Alright let me give you a few pain killers to hold you over till the swelling goes down. Just make sure you are switching between heat, and ice on and off alright?"

Turning around and going to the locked cabnit Angel pulls out an empty pill bottle and another filling the one up with a few pulls. Writing up a quick label she puts it on the bottle before turning around and going back over to Eric. Handing it to him she gives a smile. She new everything Eric had been through as of late though she didn't know how he was doing now.

   "Just make sure you taking these for this.."

Angel points in his leg.

   "Not this."

She than points at his heart.

   "Now I wouldn't think you would but its part of my job to say it anyways."

Hearing someone approach Dan can see Dylan out of the corner of his eye. Finishing up with the whole he was patching on the barn Dan puts the hammer down and turns to him giving a smile. He was happy to see Dylan up and moving around. He still was slightly pale, and thin but he looked much better than when Dan had first picked him up at the gas station.

   "You're very welcome Dylan. Your like a brother to me, and I'd hate to see anything happen to you. I said I'd always be here for you and I meant it. You're a good kid Dylan."

Dan really meant it too. Dylan had made some bad chooses but no one was perfect. He'd been there in life and he got over it and became a better person with God. He could only hope the same thing for Dylan and help him along that path all he could.

   "How are you feeling? Any better?"

   "I think I have a spot in my ever so busy life to hang out with you tonight."

Walking with Jason Katie gives a small smile. It felt good to have Jason ask her if she wanted to hang out with him tonight though at the same time it was still strange to not just think thats what would happen. Maybe all this time her just took him for granted.

Coming to a stop at the end of the hall and hearing Jason's question Katie thinks for a long moment. Was she really ok? No not really but did she need to worry Jason with that? She didn't think so but to say she was ok would be a lie.

   "Yeah I think I'm alright. Just since we woke up I've been feeling...well rather lack of feeling. I think I just need to get use to it and things will be ok. It's just...quiet right now."

Helping a few other customers that wanted drinks and declining some shots that a few of the guys wanted to buy her Beth moves about the bar, every now and than looking over at Zach she would give a wink or just smile sweetly to him.

Finally finding a free moment she comes back over and leans on the bar twords him a little bit. One would think with everything else Beth was doing his question had been missed but Beth's ears were sharp and she never missed when someone was talking to her.

   "Of course I still want to go and if it's with you thats even better. How about tomorrow? That is my next day off."

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