

Catching the bag of chips Katie gives another chuckle and toss it into her cart. Well at least she had a bag now. If anything she couldn't say the house was empty there was a bag of chips. And with this bag she's remember this night forever. 

About to walk again again Katie rises an eyebrow at Hunter's comment. Was he really still using the cheesy pickup lines on her or was he really that bored that he just wanted company, from the person who had just recently arrested him? Searching his face Katie wondered...what was his motive?

   "A contribution to society and against my better judgment."

Katie searches Hunter's face for a long moment. Looking into his eyes she wondered if he could be trusted or not. She'd seen him in a pretty bad spot the other night with being drunk around Kyle and Alice...not to mention his constant hitting on her. Now that he was sober would he be any different?

 "....How about we start out with going some place public for like...dinner...just as friends."

Entering the barn as a few rain drops feel Stacy zips her coat up a little more. There was something about the barn she liked, the smells, maybe the sounds but there was something calming. No one new but this wasn't her first time wondering in here when it was quiet.

Turning one of the corners Stacy stops seeing Eric sitting on one of the bails. She didn't want to bother him but if she turned and walked away and he noticed her she would feel pretty bad. What was so wrong with saying Hi an talking a little bit. It had never bothered her before...so why did she feel strange now? It wasn't a bad strange but more of a flutter.

   "What are you doing there?"

Stacy walks a little closer to Eric hoping she wasn't bothering him to much and if she was he's let her know. She was cerous on what he was doing though. His fingers worked so swiftly, and smoothly it was easy to tell this was not the first time he'd done this. 


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