

Dylan looks to the side quickly as he's joined by Ashlee, pausing only a moment in his walk to the stall he was supposed to clean next. "Hey..." 

Getting to the stall, he stops and lifts his eyebrows a little. She wanted him to go with them to dinner? Seriously? And her mom said it was okay? 

Leaning on the pitchfork, he studies Ashlee's face for a moment. She seemed really happy today. He didn't feel much like going out anywhere tonight. It was supposed to be a fun time, and he wasn't too good with the whole having fun thing. Let alone while being watched like a hawk by Stacy and Eric both. But... Ashlee looked so hopeful. She really was a good little friend - at least she hadn't ditched him after all the stupid things he'd done. And... he did like her company. Couldn't he suck it up for one evening, for her? 

"You didn't give me time to even wish you a happy birthday first." He wouldn't tell her he'd forgotten. A faint smile almost surfaces. "Yeah, okay, I'll come along. What time do I need to be ready?" 

Kaylee's fingers curl around the bag of bread and she smiles big. "Duck food," she states flatly. 

Sandy laughs. "I think she'd got it figured out alright." 

"Yeah, she's a smart one," Jason agrees. "Just like her brother." A whack to the arm is the response and he grins at Sandy before slinging his arm around Katie's shoulders. "Okay. To the pond." 

Soon they were by the little pond, Kaylee's enthusiasm bubbling over - a little too much for the ducks, but she managed to throw a few wads of bread to them and watch them eat - which in turn made her babble and giggle all the more. She would have fallen right into the water once, had Jason not caught her with his leg. All she did was laugh though, having no clue she'd almost taken a bath.

Sitting on the grass a short while later, Kaylee is finally settled down enough to pick dandelions and cease running around in circles, giving the adults a short break. 

Jason plucks a blade of grass to fiddle with, lounging back on one arm, while Sandy helped Kaylee pick "flers." 

"I was gonna call you last night," Jason admits to Katie, keeping his eyes on Kaylee and Sandy. "I was just exhausted. How'd you spend your evening?"

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