
Not To

Continuing to hold her smile Stacy glances at Eric as he moves around in the loft a little to find a more comfortable spot. Seeing him nod to the spot next to him Stacy thinks for a long moment. She had trust in Eric that it was a gesture of kindness and sitting down here her back was getting a little cramped So why not?

Standing and walking over to the spot next to Eric Stacy sits down and gets comfortable folding her hands in her lap. This was a comfortable spot and a better view of the sky. It had been a good pick on Eric's part for sure.

   "I'll try not to fall asleep on you this time."

Giving a laugh Stacy sinks down a little more and wraps her arms around herself. She wasn't cold but it was a little extra warmth from the chill in the air to ensure she wouldn't get cold. Drawing silent she just sits, waits, and enjoys the company Eric had to offer.

Keeping her eyes locked with Hunters for a long moment Katie wondered if it was a good idea to tell Hunter where Kyle lived or not. If he's assaulted him once who said he wouldn't do it again. Something about the look in his eye though said he wouldn't. Maybe it was faith or trust Katie wasn't sure.

   "I think he still lives with his brother for now at least. He travels around a little bit here and there but its mostly in the area stuff."

Katie wondered what happened with Hunter and Kyle that had left him so bitter. Could it really be that bad to turn two best friends against each other? It was a question that might always be left unanswered...because right now was not a good time.

  "I best get going so you can get out of here. Keep your nose clean eh? I don't want to have to arrest you again."

Katie gives half a smile to Hunter before turning to exit. She wanted to convey she was joking but it was hard to when she could hardly feel anything.

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