

Scowling, Hunter flops back in the seat again. Wait... had she just said she was a good friend of Kyle's? What were the odds? Tonight, it seemed, all odds were against him, and it was turning out to be pretty lousy.

"I like my life," he mumbles. "And besides, Kyle's had it coming to him for a long time." He looks out the window at the passing lights, his stomach feeling a bit squeamish for the first time since going on the late night binge. "We were best friends once, you know. And tonight I put him on the ground. Figured I'd feel better than this."

As they reach TJY, Hunter suddenly realizes that they weren't going to the police station and he's immediately on edge. Sitting up straighter, he looks around, still confused as he's pulled from the car. Planting his feet, he refuses to move yet, putting his full weight against Katie to resist walking. "Wait, wait..." He squints at the door, finally seeing the Elite emblem, and his eyes then widen. "The Elite? You're an Elite agent? I thought you were just a normal cop." Though his speech was not slurred, his mind was still a bit foggy as he tried to straighten everything out.

Turning around - or at least trying to while Katie was holding him - he furrows his brow. "Friend of Kyle? Elite? You're.... you're...." He thinks hard. "Christine? No... Kathy? No, no..." He shakes his head. "Katie! That's it... you're Katie, aren't you?"

His grin returns as his glazed eyes twinkle with a bit of humor. "See? I'm not all that drunk. Kyle used to talk about you. I must say..." He gives her a once over. "You're finer than I imagined."

"I know." Kyle sighs and gives Alice's hand a squeeze. "I'd never want to go back and change anything."

He looks over at her before reaching his hand up to brush her cheek. "I know I got the better end of the deal... but I never knew he'd take it that hard, let alone stay bitter for so long."

Dropping his hand back to hers, he turns his gaze to the dark street. "I keep thinking about him and me as kids. We really were the best of friends. We did everything together... camped... fished... made stupid pacts. I think we were going to be blood brothers once but neither of us had the guts to prick our finger." He grins at the memory, but it quickly fades. "I guess you never know which path someone is going to take later."

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