
Final Crack

Heading out early this morning Stacy takes the four wheeler into the woods and up a path. There was a camera that seemed to be out and it was more than likely just an animal or the wind but it was something she needed to fix. Though she new her task her mind was far away. Still thinking about Eric and how hurt he had looked so sad, He's turned away from her, not saying anything just slipping into his bunk. It made Stacy's heart break.

Snapping herself out of her though as something caught her eyes it was two late. The large tree branch in the path was there to damage and it did just that. Not being able to go anywhere Stacy can't swerve and hits it head on. Being thrown from four wheeler Stacy new she had been going to fast she new she should of been watching but there was nothing she could do now.

The last thing Stacy remembered was the impact of the tree before everything went dark. Her breath low, shallow, she was alive but trapped in the darkness while body tried to recover and make sure nothing was broken.

Coming out of the mess hall Ashlee spots Eric across the yard. It was odd her mom had been gone so long for one reason. If she ever was going to be this long she at least would of let Ashlee know but now she hadn't and it made her worry.

   "Hey Eric, have you seen my mom? She's been gone since this morning and I am starting to worry. I asked Mick, and Sparky but they haven't seen her either. I though maybe you've spotted her or something."

She couldn't help the worried look on her face as she talked to Eric. Someone had to know where she was or seen here. Some dark clouds loomed in the sky like it would rain soon. If no one picked up a trail now after the rain they wouldn't be able to either.

Beth gives a smile as she takes a spoon full of the fruit juice. It had been a long time since she'd gone to church and it was not because she was angry with God, or she though anything was his fault but it was more because of her fear of people. Now though something had changed and there was a tugging on her heart and she felt the want to go again.

   "Coming to Sunday school too sound great. I haven't been in a while and being able to go again will be nice."

Standing Beth take she bowl back to the sink and puts it into the soapy water just letting it soak for now. She was sure she'd have more by the end of the night and than she could just do them all together. 

   "I'll make sure to bring a change of clothes. Do you want me to pack the lunch or should we stop at the store after church?"

Once Cindy and Kaylee were gone Trey sinks down on his bed again. He's told Cindy depending on how the day fit him he would see her again but there was no harm in asking. He hadn't given her a hug before she left because he wasn't to sure he was ready for that. 

Cindy's words about being proud to have Trey as her son still rung in his ears. He brought no attachen to it but he'd heard and it send a feeling of warmth through his heart the finally crack being put into the wall and breaking them down. No one had ever said that to him before.

Reaching over on the nightstand Trey could feel some more tears roll out of his eyes. It was like a damn he couldn't stop . His heart ached, like a little child he wanted to run after his mother and sister and tell them not to leave. These feelings they were new, They hurt, they felt good and it only caused try to cry more. 

Laying own on his bed his back to the door he brings his knees up close to his chest and holds them. He didn't want to be alone but here he was. He didn't want to be around anyone at the same time but he longed for it. The tears just continued to come as his should shook. Till now he never relized how much in life he'd really missed out on.

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