
Best Gift

Hearing Jason's mumble Katie quickly looks at him a strange feeling over coming her. It was irritation mixed with a little bit of being upset. She didn't like being upset with Jason, but it was a feeling she couldn't help. Katie would of said more but she figured it was best to keep quiet.

Kaylee's squeal breaks Katie train of thought and for the moment she was glad. She didn't want to think about unpleasant things right now. She wanted to try and think about the good things, and just spending time with Jason and Kaylee.

  Looking out across the park as Jason and Sandy go back and forth Katie gives a small sigh. Hunter's words pop into her head about just waking Jason over the back of the head.  Next time your boyfriend makes you feel like crap, just give him a slap upside the head or something. If only but Katie new that was not the answer and would only make things worse.

   "Hmmm...Oh yeah eating in the park sounds great. I'm kind of in the mood for subs. If you guys don't want that than we can just stop at two places. It's nice outside though so I don't mind eating here."

Doing her best Katie smiles to Jason, Kaylee and Sandy. She wasn't going to run the rest of the day because of one moment, or being a sourpuss about it. She could think about it, and hash it up later. For now it was a nice day and she was with people she loved...that is what mattered.

Still holding her boots Ashlee looks up at Eric and gives a laugh. Maybe this was the start at becoming a real cowgirl. She certainly felt the part helping in the barn with the horses, being up early it just all seemed...right.

 As Eric mentions his gift to her Ashlee sits up a little bit straighter as an even bigger smile spreads across her face and tears of joy start to pool in her eyes. She'd been waiting for Eric to say he would start teaching her. She'd been so pashent and now...now it payed off.

   "Really...you mean it?"

Ashlee couldn't help how over joyed she felt. Giving a little happy shriek she throws her arms around Eric's beck and burys her face into his neck.

   "Thank you so much Eric!! This is the best gift ever!"

She really was going to be a cowgirl after all!

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