
Your time

"Sounds good to me. Take care and see you soon Dylan."

Giving a smile and turning to leave Ashlee gives one last glance over her shoulder before slipping out the door softly shutting it behind her. Walking into the kitchen again Ashlee stops and looks at her mom for a second before going over to her and giving her a big hug.

"Thanks for letting me see Dylan for a little bit."

Stacy wraps her arms around Ashlee and gives a smile. Her daughter was growing up so fast in front of her it was hard to think soon she would be gone. So much time had been gone by. It sometimes felt like just yesterday Stacy had help Ashlee in her arms at the hospital. She sure would miss her.

"You're very welcome sweetheart. I figured right now the best thing for Dylan was to have his friends around. You have a good heart, I new I could trust you to make a judgment call."

Dalton gives a thoughtful not to Scott as he leans forward on his desk. He understood Scott's fear. If he was in his place he might even feel the same way. But Dalton also new about how much Hope cared for Scott and something told him she'd wait forever to him because her heart would never belong to anyone else and she'd never regret a moment.

"Just give you and Hope time. If will go the way God wants it too."

Hearing Scott mention working again a small smile spread across his face. He couldn't wait for when Scott could come back to work. It was always fun when Scott was there. He seemed to fill the down time with challenges to each other and just talking. That was what Dalton missed the most.

"Work will come in time and when it does, your desk is still waiting for you along with your name plates. Take it slow, maybe one day a week or something but only when you think your ready. Don't push to fast were are not going anywhere and will always be waiting. I know Reese will offer your job."

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