
Big Trouble

Turning his head a little bit Trey just looks at Ariel for a moment. Trying to wrap his drunken mind around her words. He still didn't understand, she hardly new him, or the things that marked his past.

   "You...will just leave likke eveyone elsh. They shaid they all...all cared too but...but they alll left too."

Looking back down again Trey didn't know if be believed that or not. Everything was so mixed together he wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

   "Running awaysg is eashier than being a let down it having shome one else leave first."

Leaning into Ariel a little Trey just looked down at the ground. He could feel his eyes starting to get heavy but his mine was racing to much to sleep.

   "I'm in big trouble...its past my cerfew by..a lot."

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