
Something Wrong

Completely not paying any attachen to her work now Katie leans back in her chair chewing on the end of her pen. She tried to fish for more emotions, to try to feel more but it simply would not come. She thought she felt something but what it was she had no notions of what it was. As her phone goes off again Katie looks at the message again letting out a small sigh before replying.

Yeah, I feel bad for your mom too :( I...I think I am ok.
I am gonna have to call my Aunt later and see how
everyone else is. Mick's probley taking it hard too.

Sitting there a little longer after hitting send Katie felt bad. She felt like there was more emotion she should be feeling but she just wasn't. Getting up from her desk Katie makes her way across the floor and to the infirmary. Entering she spots and see Rick standing at one of the counters. Going over to him her voice is quiet hoping she wasn't bothering him to much.

"Rick...I think there is something wrong with me. I...I can't feel anything."

Stacy gives a nod to Mick as she goes to the kitchen and sits down at the table. She didn't mind how long he slept as long as he got some sleep. Sitting at the kitchen table she could keep an eye on the room Dylan was in and be comfortable at the same time.

Entering Mom and Pop's Trey glances around. It wasn't busy like Pete had said so it should be a nice night. Walking over to the counter and leaning over it a little bit to Dani he gives a smile.

"Hey do you think you could find a way to play some music. We have a part coming in and a little music would make it fun."

Stopping to think about what he said Trey shakes her head for a second resaying what he wanted.

"Well...its a three person party so nothing major."

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