
Old Friend

Dylan sits on the floor beside the bed, his fingers running over the smooth coolness of the revolver. His thoughts were desperate... lonely... dark.

The buzzing phone makes him jump. He hadn't expected a response that fast. Trading the gun for the cell phone, he flips it open to read Dan's message. Leaning his head back against the mattress, he closes his eyes. He wanted to believe Dan. He wanted to believe that there were people who really did care. He wanted to believe that it was a good enough reason to see tomorrow. But the claws that had latched onto his soul only tightened their grasp.

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498

You cant come. Not here.
Maybe people care but dad would kill me
if i was home anyway 4 stuff ive done.


Hitting the send button, he resumes his weary posture against the bed. Setting the phone down on the floor, his fingers again find the revolver. He'd be alone for at least another hour.

Straightening a little as he sees a moving figure, Eric quickly relaxes when he hears Stacy's voice. He had thought she'd be done with her rounds by now, figuring it a good time not to startle anyone. Looked like his timing was still off though.

A soft chuckle surfaces at her comment. Shifting a little and bringing his legs in so he wasn't blocking the porch anymore, he makes room in case Stacy wanted to sit on the steps. "Naw... the stars were calling me out tonight."

Glancing up at the sky he breathes deeply the cool air. "The night is kinder," he muses quietly. "I rarely get in the way, make blunders or make a fool of myself in the dark - least not that nobody can see." He looks down at her with a wry sort of grin. He was kidding... mostly.

"Mind was too restless to sleep," he admits. "Some people take a pill. Me, I embrace the darkness like an old friend. We shake hands, laugh and sit a while, reminiscing about times forgotten." Eric's eyes drift back up to the sky, his voice mellow and quiet. "I tell about my days, though it matters not - for he was there at every sunset. He speaks of long summer evenings and I smile - for I was there at every one. We dance in the glory of good memories and weep in those forgotten. We sing amidst choruses of crickets, and sit in silent respect - remembering moments of peace. And we wait... together to watch the dawn. As the rays begin to spread, our shadows once more appear. Our time together has ended once again. But we part not with tears for we know we'll meet once more . He in his cloak of black, me with readied soul... On a sleepless star-filled night."

Lowering his gaze to Stacy again, his new grin is a rather sheepish one.

Zach perks up a little and quickly nods. "Yeah, actually - the shelter is always looking for volunteers. Especially now, since one of the gals that work there moved and no one's taken her job yet. There's all sorts of stuff to do from feeding to cleaning cages to paperwork to just giving attention to the animals." He shrugs. "There's always the downside for animals that don't get adopted but... this place really tries hard to find homes and their success rate is pretty good I think."

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