

Bree's scream and leap into the water makes Gunner jump and for a couple seconds, he's not all that sure if she had really meant yes or not. But that unsureness doesn't last long. Pulled into a hug, his arms automatically wrap around her in a strong embrace. Returning her kiss, his hug tightens. Really? Was this really happening? Her next softer words confirm it.

Smiling from ear to ear, Gunner can't even find any words to say. It felt as though he were permanently tongue-tied. "Good," he whispers back. "Because I don't know if I'd ever be able to ask you again without risking life and limb like I have this week." Kissing her again, he cradles her face in his hands before pulling away. "I love you so much."

He then glances down then up, then down then back and forth. They were standing in the pond, soaked from head to toe - a mess to say the least. He had just proposed to her... in a pond.

The humor starts as a quiet chuckle, but quickly grows to become outright laughter and Gunner grabs Bree in a hug again. Still laughing, he shakes his head. "Well... I wanted it to be memorable."

Watching the two together, JT smiles. "Yeah, I guess she did. Not that I expected anything different." Shaking his head, he throws Amanda a glance, accompanied with a grin. "Two of a kind, they are."

Slowly returning to his fishing pole, he sits in the grass again and fiddles with a spare hook. Bree wasn't his daughter, but she might as well have been, and he felt a tremendous amount of love, pride and happiness. But there was also something else... something that made his shoulders drop just a little. Something that forced a quiet sigh to the surface that he didn't think anyone else would hear. Though his mind is suddenly very far away, he tries to act like he's simply concentrating on his fishing, almost forgetting that Amanda is right close.

Zach's eating slows down to small nibbles as he quietly listens to Beth. Something stirred deep down inside - an outrage for such an event in her young past. A pity for her parents who didn't protect her and her sister. A sorrow for Sarah and what had destroyed her. A compassion for Beth and what she'd dealt with. A respect for her being able to pull through as well as she had.

He began to understand a little more about Justin, though there were still unanswered questions. If Justin was such a man to care for Beth that much and worry about her welfare, why would he have simply given a cold shoulder and walked away? Why wouldn't he have stayed to find out more about Zach himself? Zach had thought Justin looked like an overprotective big brother... but after finding out about all this... it just made him wonder all the more.

By now, his sub was lying in the wrapper, his elbows on the table with his hands folded. He studies Beth for the longest time, not really knowing yet what to say. Finally, he nods though. "You're obviously a very strong woman," he concludes. "I never would have guessed... and I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Nobody ever should."

Glancing down to collect his thoughts, he eventually looks back up to her eyes again. "I'm glad you had someone like Justin to help you. He seems to be a very kind man." He cocks his head a little. He didn't want to pry. He didn't know Justin. He barely knew Beth. He was jumping to all sorts of conclusions and assumptions and it was none of his business whatsoever. But... he was still curious - for more than one reason. "I'm surprised he didn't stay and give me the third degree," he teases lightly.

Picking his sub up he takes a small bite then wipes some sauce off his mouth with a napkin. "I thought for a few seconds there he had a bit of green in his eyes." It was a lame hint, but it was all he could think of. If all Justin was, was a good friend and protector, he wouldn't have acted like he had earlier. At least not in Zach's mind. There had to be more to it. And he wanted to know so he could avoid stepping on anyone's toes. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

Seeing Ashlee laugh is contagious and as she goes to the barn, Eric and Mick finally crack up too. Mick shakes his head. "She's something else, isn't she?"

Eric nods. "She sure is. She's been having a ball this afternoon."

"Looks like you have too."

Eric takes a moment to look down at himself and then to the horse. His expression grows a little more sober. "Yeah... yeah, I have."

"Well... I gotta get some work done." Mick gives his horse a final pat. "Thanks for cleaning him up - I don't mind the braids a bit. It'll keep him from getting knots again."

Eric grins. "Good." Waiting for Ashlee to return he starts to pick things up. Seeing her feed the apple to Remington brings a new grin to his face. She had such an innocent excitement for all of this... it was refreshing to see that.

It takes a while to clean everything up and get it all back where it belongs, and by the time they do, suppertime is nearing. "Well, kiddo, I think you and I best get ourselves cleaned up before we eat." Eric looks between them, noting how dirty both were, and he chuckles. "Your mom would probably prefer that." He reaches out and ruffles her hair. "Thanks for your help today. I'll see ya at supper." Parting for now, Eric heads to his bunkhouse to get cleaned up...

...People began gathering in the dining hall, anxious for their evening meal. Eric wasn't to be found yet, but Jeff was, and when he spots Ashlee at one of the far tables, he makes his way over to her.

"Hey, there you are." Jeff smiles at her as he approaches. "Looks like you've been pretty busy around here today." Sitting down across from her, he folds his hands.

Still smiling, he cocks his head. "Had a quick question.... Tomorrow I need to exercise a couple horses and... I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come along." His tantalizing hint lingers for a moment. "How about getting in the saddle? I bet we could find you a pair of boots around here, and there's a nice little mare that would love the attention." He winks at her. "You've done a lot of work in the barn - I think you've more than earned some riding lessons."

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