

Though Jade hadn't heard Dan approach, his sudden presence didn't startle her. She knew instantly that it was his arm that wrapped around her and she automatically leans into him. Her hand finds his and she locks her fingers around his too, just glad he was near.

She sighs and continues to stare out into the pasture. "I know," she replies softly. Another tear rolls silently down her cheek. "I just don't understand why he's doing this... I don't understand why Dad isn't doing anything.... It's like I'm just watching Dylan fade away and no one is trying to help. I know it has to be his own decision but... I don't know... I guess I'm just scared he's going to do something stupid and I'll never get my brother back at all."

Shifting around, she buries her face against his chest and wraps her arms around his waist.

Still scowling and trying to finish sweeping out the barn, Dylan's gaze snaps up at Ashlee. Any other day, he'd take her up on her request for company while studying. But today?

Sighing, he leans on his broom and wipes the insistent sweat from his forehead. His hand trembles slightly and he shakes his head. "Sorry, Ash..." He blinks away another bead of sweat, paling slightly as another brief wave of dizziness hits. "I um.... I'm not feeling so hot today."

He didn't mean to let irritation lace his tone, but he was having a very hard time today controlling his mood at all. His reaction to Jade proved that. He didn't want to upset Ashlee, though, and he tries to soften his tone. "I'll probably wind up in my bunk after I'm done here... thanks though."

"Mmm..." Pete leans back, putting his hands behind his head. "Knowing Ariel, yeah, she'll listen to you. She gives everyone a fair shake."

He squints an eye, studying Trey. "But whether or not she'll trust you again... that's something I can't answer."

Once more, Carson experiences relief flowing through his veins. Finally smiling, he moves his hand across the table to take Misty's. "Don't thank me... I just wish I had time to do more than just grab a bite. Maybe... we can take an evening drive out to the lake or something?"

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