

Returning the kiss than giving a laugh at Dani's comment Misty shakes her head. You could definitely tell Carson and Dani were brother and sister But it made her smile anyways. She was happy Carson had found his sister. She new it was one thing he always had wanted.

Going in before Carson Misty's didn't have to wait and look what she wanted on it, she already new. Sitting down at the little table that was in the back of the kitchen she smiles.

"Oh thats easy I don't need to think about it I already know. But go make you phone call so I can have you all to myself. I'm selfish like that."

Misty's eyes sparkle as she watched Carson. So much love could be seen in those pools and the first that had been there when they first met had only grown stronger. Misty often wondered what she'd do without Carson. He'd become such a big part of her life.

Sitting and having lunch with Axel and Liz was nice. Getting to catch up on what was going on was a bonus. It was nice to know what was happening in everyone's lives and made Jess seem closer. Jess new how close Axel was to Liz and being part of that made her feel wanted even more and at home.

"A neat freak....thats an understatement."

Looking at Liz she gives a wink before turning to Axel and grinning leaning into him a little bit. He might be a clean freak but that was ok seeing as she wasn't the neatest of people. She'd been working on that though at least so he wouldn't have to clean after her as much.

Sitting with Mick Rosetta searches his face for a long moment still leaning into him. She was worried, he would get to depressed again but he had assured her he was ok so she would trust him.

"I think where you went wrong is where you keep telling yourself so. This is not sourly your fault and you shouldn't have to take all the blame for it."

Moving her head down again Rosetta's one hand slips into Mick's as her others softly run's through BJ's hair. Time moved so fast she wished she could slow it down. She wasn't getting any younger and it seems time was just slipping away. Moments like this she wanted to last forever!

"You have three kids who love you. Even if they dont say it or show it, they do. Its just going to take some time for them to come around. He's takes after his father. God has a plan though Mick, and he wont give you anything you can't handle. You're gonna be ok and so is Dylan."

Laughing again as Gunner breaks free and pulls her close Bree just lets him this time. Her lips meeting her it was like the first time they kissed all over again. Soft, sweet and just plan wonderful.

Bringing her hands around one on Gunner's back and one on his head the kiss is broken all to soon and the smile moves across Bree's face her eyes twinkling.

"Oh so thats now its done huh? Let me see if I can get it right."

Bringing her lips into Gunner's again Bree just lets the moment continue as the soft warm wind blows. Pulling away for just a moment Bree moves her head the other way and comes back for more. The moment seeming lost, or the moment was standing still as she continues the kiss her passion, and her love just being expressed in that kiss.

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