

Heading to the barn door with Eric Ashlee gives a small nod at he talks. She didn't totally understand what he was saying but finding a place was something she did. Even if it was for different reasons she still could relate a little bit.

"Sometimes finding where you fit is hard. I can't say I totally understand but I do get how sometimes it can feel like your in the way. Though I know its not true feelings are just feelings and we cant help it."

Walking outside Ashlee zips her jacket before sticking her hands in her pockets. Looking to Eric she gives a big smile. She really did enjoy helping and being around him. If someone asked why there would be no answer. Maybe somewhere deep down Eric had hit the fatherly cord in Ashlee's heart and now it just stuck.

"I'll definitely come and help you tomorrow. Where do you want to meet and what is it we have to do?"

Ashlee could feel the excitement that ran through her. She really couldn't help it, being around horses was even better than she ever though and having Eric actually invite her along was even better.

Continuing to walk along with Jeff Stacy things for a long moment. It was a good question he asked and honestly she hadn't really though about it. Now though that the question was brought up it was a good question.

"Well, I really would hate to move Ashlee again and she seems for the most part to like it here. If you guys would still need me, or the police force would let me work out of the ranch than I would stay. But if not than I would have to go."

Stacy looks sad for a moment at the thought. She really did hope they would need her here still, or she could commute from here into town. In a short time she really had taken a liking to the ranch and Ashlee had too. To have to pull her away now it would be hard.

"I've really started liking it here. It's quiet but not to quiet, and everyone is so nice. I'd really miss it if we had to go."

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