
Hard Times

Just continuing to look out into the dark seeing the dots of the stars and the faint two lights Stacy takes in the moment. Things felt right, good and like they were getting better and she was happy.

"It's comforting knowing no matter how big anything us God is never far away. I think that's what's helped me get through the hard times."

Finally looking to Jeff a bit of color comes to her cheeks at his comment. She hadn't heard someone genuinely say that in a long time it was nice.

"Thank you. I think its the moonlight enhancing it though."

Stacy gives another laugh. It felt nice to have a friend here. Jeff was nice and made her feel very welcome.

Ashlee's eyes light up at the mention of the horse. She hadn't seen buttercup yet but she sure was excited too.

"Yeah I'll come that sounds like fun. How far along is she now?"

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