

Motioning to the person behind the counter he would be sitting over in the booth when the ice cream was ready Dan slides in. Even if Dylan sounded irritated he was still happy that he allowed him to sit down with him. He might not be able to make the young man stay but at least he could chat a little with him.

"Don't worry I didn't plan on doing either actually. I told you before to give the ranch your best shot and if it didn't work out I would take you into town personally, that never changed. What did change however is how people got pretty attached to you over the last few months. Lots were askin about you today and if you were already. I'll have to let them know your in once peace."

Leaning back in the booth Dan just study's Dylan for a long moment. He'd gotten close with the young man and become friends with him. He was definitely sad to see him go and everything that had been worked on fall apart. Sure Dylan and Mick still didn't get along but there was a tiny bit of respect there between them both.

"I do hope you find what your looking for Dylan. Your a smart guy, and fun to be around, Jade's even admit it herself. You definitly deserve it with everything you've been through. Just keep your head on straight and I know you'll make it. You had alot going for you at the ranch, friends, family, if you could make it there you can make it anywhere."

Letting out another small sigh as the waiter comes over with both the ice creams to go Dan new his time was coming to an end. He'd have to get going soon so the ice cream didn't melt before he even got it back to the ranch. Grabbing a napkin and taking a pen from his pocket Dan writes down his number and pushes it Dylan's way.

"Do me a favor when you get to where your going give me a call so I can let Jade, Rosetta, Mick, and even Ashlee all the people that are worried know your alright. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to call me too. I'll do all I can to help."

Giving a smile Dan hold his hand out to Dylan the last sign that he respected him and everything he said he meant. Dan had no doubt Dylan would make the right choose, even if it wasn't right away, in the end he would.

Setting her book down in the grass and leaning back on her elbows Amanda gives a slight nod. She could never see JT doing anything but being a Dr because it was something he loved so much but it was just a fleeting though so she wouldn't comment on that.

"Well I guess thats one of the fun pats about being with someone. Making time to spend together, allowing yourself to slow down, and having a niece and her boyfriend who are not scared to ensure it happens."

Looking up at the clouds Amanda just stared for a long moment. Her mind wondered to many things, work, JT, Bree and Gunner. They had all come into her lift quickly and she had enjoyed getting to know them. It was hard to wonder now what life might be like without!

Walking with Gunner once more Bree was happy to stretch her legs. Enjoying the out doors with Gunner was special to her, and she liked being able to share this with him. Bree could never explain how Gunner made her feel, but now it was something she never wanted to think of living without.

Bree smiles as Gunners starts to talk about how much he enjoyed being with her, and about how it was so easy Bree can feel her heart thump. About to say something Bree catchs sight of the birds herself and lets out a little shriek.

Being drug behind Gunner Bree does her best to keep up and use her other hand to swat the birds away. She'd never seen them attack like this before and though she wanted to laugh at Gunner's comment she just couldn't.

"We can't get a moment of peace can we?"

Giving a shake of her head to disagree with Scott Hope holds her smile. She could never think of keeping two friends apart and never would she want too.

"I admit I'll miss the little fuzz ball but she is your dog and I new one day she would go back home with you. Don't feel badly its part of life and I am ok with it."

Maybe Hope would get a pet of her own to keep her company. Never before did she think of having an animal but after having Domino the idea came a lot more easy.

Leaning into Mick Rosetta just lets him talk for a moment. Not saying anything just letting him vent, and her listening. She new he must feel horrible and it made her sad. He had tried his best, and she thought he was doing ok.

"You havn't failed your kids. You were there for them and thats why you wanted Dylan here. Jade loves you to death and respects you very much. As for Dylan its just not as easy. He's hard headed like his father, and its not that you failed but only you have yet to connect."

Sitting up a little bit Rosetta searches his face. He was tired, worried, and frustrated. She really did feel bad for him and wished there was something she could do. Bringing her hand to his face she lets her finger run over his cheek bone giving a loving smile.

"Don't ever think you've failed because you haven't. Not in God's eyes and not in mine. There are just many bumps in the raid we need to overcome. Thats not failing."

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