

Looking back up at Jeff and seeing he really meant what he said Stacy smiled even more. It made her feel good and having a slight feeling of companionship again.Even if it was only friendship.

"I'd like to do it again."

About to turn around again Stacy thinks for a moment. Did the night really have to end already? It seemed so short lived.

"Would you like to go on the rounds with me?"

Hearing there was something left to do Ashlee joins Eric in checking the stalls. Mulling over his question for a moment Ashlee finally replys.

"It was ok. I would of rather been here but dinner was nice and all. Jeff sure does have a silly side to him."

Finding one of the stalls unlocked Ash locks it before going to the next. Stopping for a moment she turns to Eric.

"I've never been to dinner before with my mom and another guy before. It was strange and felt kind of awkward."

Ashlee picks at some loose wood on one of the rails.

"I feel bad for Jeff saying that. He's nice and everything I just kinda felt out of place I guess."

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

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